Thursday, December 30, 2010

Top 10 of 2010

This year has had a lot of ups and downs - a lot more "downs" than we really were expecting unfortunately. We're hoping for a MUCH better 2011.

For a positive note - these are my top 10 of 2010 (in no particular order):
 #1 - I became an aunt (again).
I've been an aunt for over a year now, but little Tristan was extra special because it means my kids have "grandchild" competition on my side now. He's such a cutie pie.

#2 - Our first Valentines Celebration as a couple was really sweet. Pretty toned down (and we had to spend the actual day at a wrestling tournament), but it was really nice.

#3 - Coaching LMS's soccer team was very special for me. I loved that time with her and I was able to push her more than maybe another parent would have. It was so exiting to see her excel.

#4 - My new job at my main work. I LOVE my work (overall). Everyday is a new challenge and every project is so different - it's fun to look forward to what's next - even if it is hard work.

#5 - Speaking of work, I'm very proud of my accomplishments this year. I've won 4 awards for my hard work - it's nice that other people can see how much I pour myself into it (and the extra little bonuses are nice too).

#6 - My Wyoming trip. It was HARD work and a VERY LONG week, but I had a BLAST doing it - I REALLY hope we win the contract again next year. It was also super nice because for the most part it was the only trip I took this year - we've really been vacation deprived this year :(

#7 - New Rooms for the girls. I was really excited that we were able to do this for them. They really needed their own space and the added benefit of shopping and decorating was a bonus :)

#8 - Mr. S's cousin's wedding. It really was a blast. I loved helping plan her shower and help at the wedding - even if I found out the hard way that wine slushies are NOT good for you.

This is why you don't do a cake smash grooms!! I get more action than you do on your wedding night.

#9 - Celebrating our first Anniversary - again, another tamed down celebration, but very nice. I'm sure we'll have PLENTY of time for more exciting celebrations for our anniversary.

#10 - I had a hard time chosing highlights - I had several really special relaxation days/times with my husband and kids - so my #10 will be a combination of those special times. I'm hoping that even in our "flurried" life, we find more time next year for more of these.

What are your top ten?

Growing Pains

One of the few childhood tourtures I didn't have to experience was braces (probably should have - but it just never happened). JrMsS wasn't as fourtunate, she got her braces put on yesterday - so the 913 day countdown begins (she has to wear them for 2.5 years!) At least she'll be out of them by 8th grade and she'll get to enjoy her teens with a (even more) beautiful smile.
She did REALLY well. We're talking about a kid who at one point had to be STRAPPED to the chair for a filling. From then on - I decided we're going to knock her butt out when she needs dental procedures. This was simple and mostly painless - I was really surprised since I've always heard how much they hurt. She's complained about a little bit of tooth pain - but she hasn't been overly dramatic about it or anything. I'm so proud of her.

Monday, December 27, 2010

A snowy Snowflake Christmas

We've had a very busy few days around the Snowflake house over the long weekend.

Our Christmas celebration technically began on Wednesday night, Mr. S and the girls and I went out for a quiet dinner and I got my x-mas present from him - a new digital camera!! Yeah more (better) pictures!!!

Thursday I was off, but spent most of the day cleaning and wrapping a MILLION gifts - okay, not that many, but enough to have to run into town for tape!
If it was up to Mr. S, this is how everyone would get their gifts..
Thursday evening, right as the snow was beginning, my parents arrived safe and sound. Yay!

Friday morning, Mr. S went and got the boys, my mom and I started baking/cooking, and the kids played in the snow...

 Playing with the Panoramic setting...

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Facebook is not how you communicate!

Really? Facebook is not how grown adults communicate? Has this not been what I've said for the last year when that is the only way that my stupid ex would communicate with me?

Yesterday the girls were supposed to see their dad yesterday, at least if he had let me know he would actually show up. A week ago he asked what time on Wed he could see them and I said "7:30?" Does that not warrent a "okay, great", "sounds good", "can we meet a different time"? In normal grown up world I would say it does.

Tuesday afternoon (12:50) I wrote him to ask him to let me know if he was actually going to met me or not. I got no response from him, so Wednesday morning (5:45 am) I wrote to tell him I wasn't going to bring them since he hadn't answered me.

At 11:30 am, he wrote to give me his phone numbers (finally) and to tell me facebook is not how you communicate! Wow! Let me point out what is wrong with this email...

First, the email was written at 11:30, we were suppossed to meet at 7:30. If I had missed the emails and then expected him to meet me, I would have been all over his ass at 7:35. In his case, he doesn't say a word for FOUR hours!!

Second, HE was the one to communicate with me this way. I've had the same cell phone number for the last 6 years. I've had the same personal email address for 5 years and have worked at the same company for the last 3 years with all it's multiple ways to get a hold of me. In the last few years, he's had several jobs, his phone disconnected multiple times, moved about four times at least, etc. He's unstable to be able to get a hold of (not that I want to). So, if he wanted to communicate in a GROWN UP way with me...he had MULTIPLE options - HE chose this medium.

I'm not angry - I won and it feels good. The girls didn't see him, I didn't have to see him and deal with him, and I have the upper hand and he sees that and is PISSED. Winning is great....

Do you have to deal with ignorant people like this?

Monday, December 20, 2010

The week of ups and downs

This has been the week of ups and downs. I'm not really sure why, but it has.

Monday we finally broke the Ice Princess (Mr. S's ex) and she agreed to let him have part of his weekend, to take them to his mom's Christmas and to let him have the boys Dec. 27-30. So at least we won't be going to court of that (at least not for now). He agreed to only having to pay for half of JrMrS's instrument (she didn't make us pay for the whole thing like we offered), so it was REALLY great news. But, I said it's the week of ups and downs...

About an hour after we got that news, my mom sent me an email about my dad's most recent dr visit. I have complained and complained about my last two months of being sick and hurt, but this is a man that has Type II diabetes, high blood pressure, went through heart bypass surgery, had toes amputated, thyroid surgery, etc, in other words he's been very sick and very hurt for a lot longer than I was/am. He has more challenges ahead unfortunately...he was told he only has about 25% functionality of his kidneys. He's going to have to start making even more life changes to his health and will have dialysis in the future. My dad has always been there for me, even when I've done really bad and awful things. He's my biggest cheerleader and I honestly don't know what I'd do without him. There's still a lot of tests to be done, but it was not good news.

Tuesday Jr. Ms S and Jr Mr S had their holiday concert. I just can't believe how much they've grown up.

Yes - the guy in front of me is wearing a "do" rag ;P

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Missing my Christmas Spirit

I'm not really sure what it is, but I just cannot find it this year. Is it the lack of time? The lack of gift ideas for my friends and family? Getting over being sick/hurt? All of the ex crap? Just stress from work, kids, life? I'm not really sure.

We have been REALLY busy, we are constantly running from one thing to the next. Last night the stars aligned and Mr. S and I FINALLY got to have a date night. Our last one was so long ago, I can't even remember. Between kids things, working, etc, we just haven't had time (and probably won't again for a while). It's really sad...when did life become this hectic whirlwind? We had a nice night, regardless of the frightful drive home and back in the blizzard, a nice dinner and I got to watch HP7 - I'm such a Pot-head.

I know everyone is trying to get through this difficult economy and a lot of people aren't in the best place, but I can't remember the last time I've had such a depressing Christmas. I have no ideas for my husband, my kids, my family. I have three people done out of my list and that it! It's the middle of December and I'm no where close to getting everything done. No one will give me ideas either and I think that's what makes it the hardest. I have too much on my plate right now to be super-creative. I'm PLEASE give me ideas!!

Luckly, I am getting better health-wise. My muscle is almost healed (part of it is still tight and sticking out - yuck!) and my cough is just an infrequent annoyance now. I've met my sick quota for the year, right? Next time I promise to listen to everyone - I'm playing the baby and getting the rest I need.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Blogging in a blizzard

So I was going to write today about the action this last week, but I have "maybe" a more exciting topic.
As I've said before, mr.s and I seriously need some time together. Well, since his ex is being the most craziest person in the world and we don't have the boys as planned, my sister happened to be off so we have a sitter for the girls, I didn't have to work the second job tonight and we had a free date night in gift cards to use - we chose to make it a romantic night. Well until the blizzard of 2010 hit (hear me mother nature? We don't get more!)
All day I stressed about the snow and driving in whiteouts all day (seriously its so bad the interstate is closed). Mr s insists we'll be fine as long as I'm not having a panic attack every 2 seconds.
So I'm blogging in a blizzard, keeping my eyes off the road, and praying for the freaking wind to stop.
How desparate have you ever been for a date?

Monday, December 6, 2010

A Snowflake Update

I've been trying to avoid anymore negative posts. Things in many ways have improved, especially on the health side - other things are not so good...I guess such is life - you get the good and the bad. As the book I'm currently reading states "it's all about what you focus on though" (RAPT). So for an update..

To start with the good...I'm feeling MUCH better. I'm still coughing some and part of my herniated rib is still...herniated..but so much better now. The long Thanksgiving weekend (and my muscle relaxers prescribed by the urgent care doctor) aided so much in that. I really appreciate that my husband finally saw that I needed the time and my sister was such a big help with my obligation to get the house decorated for Christmas for the kids.

I think that mine and Mr. S's marriage is more on track again. We needed focus (again...focus on that which is most important to your life), we NEED date nights and I think we're getting there - we're going to take the time to focus on each other and close out the "bad" or "stressful" that consumes us. I think that for the last few weeks we've both been much more happy with where we're at together and that's a good thing.

Also good...the girls and I got to spend the weekend together and had a lot of fun together. Mr. S and the boys were all deer hunting this weekend, so we spent Saturday shopping and going to lunch. I was SUPPOSED to be Christmas shopping, but I think I spent more money on buying the girls new clothes and LMS's fish. So, needless to say..I'm WAY behind on Christmas shopping. Sunday we spent most of the day watching movies and catching up on Glee together. Such a nice relaxing weekend. Now I need to find Mr. S something else to hunt so we get more "girls" weekends and less wrestling matches :)

Speaking of LMS's fish - we had a death in the family...Taylor Fish..our beta from Mr. S's cousin's wedding in June died. LMS was SO distraught last Sunday, but by Monday she was ready to flush him with the promise of a new fish this weekend. We've welcomed two new members to the family, Goldie and Firey, a couple of large fan tail goldfish. So, a happy/sad story.

For the bad..hmm..where to start...

Thursday, November 25, 2010


I know this is probably the 100th post you've read about people being thankful, but for me it's nice to get it all down and also to let those people know how thankful I am for them. So...

-I'm thankful for my husband. He really is the best husband ever. Yes, I don't get EVERYTHING my way - but he does his best to make sure my needs and wants are meet. He's a WONDERFUL father and provider. I really couldn't ask for much more in a great husband.

-I'm thankful for my kids. They bring excitement into our lives every single day. Yes, it's HARD raising 5 kids (and dealing with the other stupid parent), but I wouldn't want our lives to be any different. We are so lucky to have such smart, beautiful, well-behaved (most of the time) children.

-I'm thankful for our families. Whenever we've needed the extra help - they've all been there to step up and support us.

-I'm thankful for such good friends who are also there for us when we need. This week when I was SO low - the friends (and family) that were there for me uplifted me so much.

-I'm thankful for my job(s). In such a poor economy still I'm very lucky to have not one, but two jobs that let me support my family. I'm so thankful for the oppourtunities given to me this year at my large-engineering company job and I'm SO excited about what is to come. I'm so thankful to have a boss that is so eager to let me push myself and find out high far I can go and she also is a very caring, understanding person. As much as I don't want to do my second job, I'm thankful that I do have it - hopefully the lawyer stuff will end soon and I'll get him paid off as well as some other things, but in the meantime - I'm lucky to work there.

-I'm thankful for what good health I have - yes, it's been HORRIBLE lately (worsened last night), but it could always be worse - I'm sure there are many others out there much sicker and sorer than me and hopefully mine improves (VERY) soon.

Hope everyone has a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving and a safe and happy weekend!

What are you thankful for this year?

Monday, November 22, 2010

I'm Sorry and FYI

Apparently my last blog upset some people and I’m sorry for that. This has been my anonymous blog/personal diary and I only set up RSS feeds to Facebook to also keep friends and family in the loop and share photos.

I had every intention of pulling off the last blog from Facebook before it was read, but since Facebook is unpredictable about when they post it (anywhere from 10 mins to 2 days), I was not able to shield those who were hurt. I’m very sorry you were and that was not my motive for writing that way – I’m hurting – I’m emotional – I just wanted to do an emotional dump, and again, I thought it was only to my anonymous blog. I purposely keep it that way to protect myself, my children, and family and friends. The only detailed information you have is what town we live in – other than that I have been very careful about names, places of occupation, etc.

I appreciate all of you who have called and emailed today to make sure I’m okay. Yes – I will be, just not at the moment. As I said, I’m very hurt by the things that happened this weekend (and additional things that happened on Facebook this morning – god, don’t you love technology?). I’m very emotional over the hurt, my physical pain, the poor immunity and lack of sleep. Most times I let things like this roll of my back like water on a duck, but I’m really having a hard time overcoming all of this. I appreciate the friends and family that recognize that and have reached out to me, and I hope that those of you who took it the wrong way can somehow see my side and accept my apology.

Because of this incident I will no longer RSS feed to my Facebook profile. For those of you that have been following the kids and all of our craziness, you will have to go to my blog instead. If you need that address, please message me. Understand that I will continue to use the blog as my sounding board/emotional dump, so if you might be too sensitive to that, please just call me, let’s go to coffee and catch up instead.

The majority of the time I put EVERYONE else ahead of myself, that’s the curse of being a mom I think. I truly do want to put people ahead of my own needs, but I’ve just hit the point where I need a little support. Please recognize that I’m shouting out for a lifesaver at this point – I’m drowning. Again, it’s about ME, not YOU.

I AM NOT OKAY. I will be eventually I’m sure, just not now.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

One day...I'm only asking for one

I've had a REALLY crappy weekend - SO not looking forward to a five day one (sort of) if it's going to go as bad as this one.

I must preface this blog though before I go on. I LOVE my husband. On any other day I would do just about anything for him. I LOVE my kids and everything about them. I love helping people out and doing what I can for those that I care about - especially for Mr. S's family that has taken me and my girls in so freely. Please remember that as you read this...

As I said - pretty crappy weekend. Friday night I had to close at my freaking other job. I'm a really hard worker - I only call in when I absolutely have to. I thought I'd be fine on Friday, until I got there and the stupid hostess wouldn't move my section (I had a section with a huge table - there's no way I could have carried those trays without hurting myself). Luckily, there was a really nice girl and we traded one table so she would take the big one. I really should have called in though - I over-did myself.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Can't we all just get along?

If these animals should we...

This is my favorite ad right now :)

When your time is up

We had something really sad happen in our community this week.

On Thursday there was a REALLY bad accident on Hwy 30 (the main road by our house). A grain truck and a car hit each other head on - the Hwy was closed for 6 hours and even when I went through at 5:30 they were still cleaning up. I had heard on the radio that the driver of the vehicle had died and since it was between Missouri Valley and Logan - I always have this thought that I hope it's no one I know.

Unfourtunately this time it was.

So long, farewell

Not to all of you of course, but to my wonderful friend named....


She is such a wonderful friend. She allows me to wear my flip flops and other cute high heels. I love my little summer skirts and sundresses. The days are longer. I get somewhat of a tan. I don't have to cook as much since Mr. S LOVES to grill. But sadly, she left this week with no hope of return for another 6-7 months :(

This week we not only had to experience the dreaded time change - (I hate that - why can't everyone be like AZ and leave time alone?) - but OLD MAN WINTER moved into the area - he's so cruel.

Thursday morning, I had to drive to work in this...

I really probably shouldn't be taking pictures while speeding down the Interstate at 75+mph in thick fog - huh?

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Thank you Veterans

To all Veterans - THANK YOU!
Thank you for your service, but most of all for your loyalty to this country and its people.
To my little brother,
Thank you for being a good servant to your country. You are a wonderful man (I can't believe I'm calling you that - you'll always be that little kid trying to play with the "gir-illas"). You are such a wonderful provider and role model for your family and your (soon to be 2) sons.
Thank you!

Monday, November 8, 2010

I'm tired...

I’m tired of being sick. I’m tired of coughing…I’m tired of my chest hurting…I’m tired of being a sick , whiney baby. The meds haven’t done anything – so it seems. I rested all weekend and called into my 2nd job to give myself recuperating time (also got a HUGE guilt trip by the dumb hostess when I checked in on Sat. – yeah – really don’t feel bad about not coming in and coughing all over the customers – stupid lady). I’m worried about this week – probably can’t call in again – but the running around and smoky kitchen probably isn’t going to improve my situation…

I’m tired of working my 2nd job. I was starting to think about quitting and then I started getting stupid lawyer bills again. Hopefully I can reduce my days after the first of the year (all depends on my stupid ex I guess though)….

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Just an 'eh' kind of week

I don't really have a whole post necessarily - just random thoughts....
Everyone at work has the “crud” right now. It actually extends beyond our walls though – they even had a story in the newspaper the other day about it. Mine started two weeks ago with a super sore throat, fever and body aches. Then it moved to my chest and I’ve been COUGHING my head off. The other day I decided enough was enough and went to the DR. Um, yeah – mine turned into bronchitis. I just hope this is the only year I have it and it doesn’t turn into a re-occurring sickness. Yesterday I slept most of the afternoon/evening and felt TONS better today – but after a very productive day today – I’ve scraping bottom tonight. Luckily it seems to only being affecting adults (Mr S has it now) all the kids seem fine though and it doesn’t seem to be originating from school –weird – that’s the “crud” capitol of the world.

I did get some good news the other day – my ex has been arrested!!! I was surprised how fast they went after him – the warrant was barely issued last Wednesday. We’ve sent a letter to his public defender mentioning our “offer”, so hopefully when we have our arraignment on Monday AM – we might get somewhere with him. Otherwise – eventually he’ll get out and he’ll just run for the border and try to escape his responsibilities like always. Whatever – as long as I can get him out of mine and the girls lives. We’re so much better off – well minus the fact that I’ve had to shell out almost $3000 for his stupidity (ugh –my divorce was only $400 – why is it that I can’t get the same support as welfare moms from the state? Ugh, don’t even get me started on that).

Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween Recap

This year we did things a little different. We only had the girls and Mr. S and I have been SOOO sick. We also changed our routine and headed over to Mr.S's aunts house for an early dinner and drawing names for Christmas. She always makes the best food. We got to see Mr. S's little cousin that just had surgery - it's so amazing how kids bounce back so fast!
So this yearJrMsS was  Cleopatra (originally planned on being a dead bride) and LMS was a Southern Belle (originally planned on being a cat).

Sunday, October 24, 2010

What a difference a day makes

Friday was my day from Hell.  All week I'd been "slow" (not really that I didn't have anything to do - just not at the hurricane pace I'm used to), Friday had a ton of deadlines though. My biggest one was this 6-in thick Construction Quality and Assurance document that has to be filed with Iowa DNR on Monday AM. So between racing to get that ready and needing to go to work at my second job - I was under a lot of pressure. Ultimately, I didn't get my final files until after 3 (I had wanted to leave at 2:30) and still had to finish printing, assembling and burning electronic versions. Around 4 I couldn't decide if I was calling in to second job or not, but no matter what I was working late (my other option was to go in Saturday or Sunday to finish - but in my mind - that was NOT an option) also, my job at Large Engineering firm comes WAY before my second job - if I lost my main one for not completing it (not that it would happen, but..) - second job is NOT going to pay the bills. I finished at 5:35 and was getting nagged by the shuttle drivers to get my butt downstairs or I'd have to walk to my car - not really something I wanted to do with all of the crap I had to carry for the conference today. I made it home, changed and got to my second job by 6:30...of course we were swamped and I think all the waitresses were mad at me.  Whatever....When I got home after 9:30 (over 14 hour day) finally - I was tired, stressed, not feeling good (I've been sick/had allergies or something since Wed night) and I was kind of annoyed with Mr. S (not going to spell it all out here - he was (is) in the doghouse). Anyway...bad day.
Saturday didn't start off very well, I was still tired, sick and stressed out and Mr S started nagging me about getting my car in (it's had a check engine light on all week). We got it dropped off, he made breakfast casserole, we all cleaned house and then went to JrMrS's last football game of the season. I got a call from the dealership about my car while we were watching the older kids play their game - I had a stupid evap warning (basically because Mr S put gas in my car and then didn't screw the cap on tight - the engine didn't like that it didn't have the "pressure"). Luckily it was an easy fix and they didn't even charge me for the time/labor! I have dropped LOTS of money with them - so they're nice and give me breaks every once in a while (nice thing about living in a small town). Anyway, that relieved a TON of stress and I was able to enjoy the game (except for my throat killing me). JrMrS's team won the game and then I was finally able to get some pictures up close in his uniform.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

oh..kay..something is going on

So the other day I was complaining about what a psycho Mr. S's ex is. Something WEIRD has happened the last couple of days.
Yesterday, Mr.S picked up the boys for his WHOLE two hours extra that she's "granted" him on Tuesdays before practice. Before they left though Twin Snowflake 2 was adament that he did not want to go to practice and wanted to stay the night at his dad's house.  He called his mom, but she of course couldn't make a decision at the moment.  She promised she'd call him back at 6 - so it meant he had to go to practice.
At 6 she didn't call and Mr. S asked for him.  She couldn't give an answer then either - she just HAD to talk to HER sons and make sure it was really what they wanted.  Umm...he called you and asked...doesn't that mean he wants it? Duh...
Anyway, she got to practice and had a LONG drawn out talk with the twins.  TS2 "convinced" her it was what he wanted, but she wouldn't let him stay since he didn't have a jacket (um this ALL could have been avoided if you'd just let him not have to go to practice) DUMB!
Mr. S and JrMrS went to pick him up after practice (he was also staying), when he asked him to run in and get TS2, he made the comment that "oh mom is probably in there trying to convince him not to go". He also made another comment about how he wishes they could just stay with their dad.  Hmm..either they're finally seeing her for who she is...or something is going on.
They were really excited when they got home and loved the dinner I made (cheesy chicken and tomateos - yum!). They seemed really comfortable, more than normal, and something about them made it seem like they were escaping to a haven. It's great - I just don't understand though.
So today, JrMrS called his mom this evening and asked to stay again.  Super weird...

Monday, October 18, 2010

Just a few thoughts...

Kind of a mixed bag today...
Yesterday was a pretty relaxing day. MrS really wanted to watch the 7/8th graders play football, so we went early to watch them kick Mo Valley's butt :) Unfourtunately MrS's ex is a COMPLETE dusche and wouldn't let the boys come early (and when JrMrS did get there - she just dropped him off - she lives like 4 blocks from the school!  Why wouldn't she just let us bring him!! grr...). JrMrS's team did pretty well, but only won 6 to 0 (still beat 'em though!). We came home, I cooked enchiladas (I'm not being stuck up or anything, but I make THE BEST on the planet) and then settled in for some movie watching.  We watched How to Train your Dragon with the girls and then watched Kick Ass - I was very surprised by how violent that movie was.  I expected some violence like other super-hero movies, but not bloody violence (seriously - you saw what human looked like blown up in a microwave - gross). Minus the bad movie and the stupidness of MrS's ex - it was a good day.
JrMrS is #35

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Where to start?

Hi...I'm a bad, bad blogger. How did SO much time get away from me?  A lot has happened-yet it just has seemed to day-to-day for us I guess-we live at a CRAZY pace. So, to catch up, here's some high-level bullet points...
1) JrMsS has been playing volleyball this fall. It's been fun to watch her, this being her first year I think she did really well (especially this week).  Today was the playoff tournament. They did really, really well.  However because Stupid Mo Valley cheats ALL THE TIME, we were eliminated pretty quickly.  Oh well.  I'm excited that she's looking forward to playing next year and LMS will be old enough to play too. Tuesday is the start of Basketball...

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I hate him..I hate him...I hate him...

WHY do my daughters have to experience so much heartbreak over some dumb-butt who they call their dad? HOW do I protect them? I’m SO tired of seeing them hurt over his actions (or actually his non-action).

The girls and I were driving to school this morning and on the radio they were talking about co-habitating and marriage and how whether or not you live with someone before marriage isn’t always an indicator of a long-term marriage. One of the DJ’s mentioned something about how he’s known couples who lived together many years and then after they got married they divorced 6 months later. LMS asked me how long MrS and I had been married and I told her a little over a year. Then JrMsS asks when they’re going to see their dad. I’m not exactly sure where she got that from the conversation – maybe about couples breaking up with kids.

My heart crumbled at that – although it was dark – I could hear in her voice that she was on the verge of tears. This topic hasn’t come up since Christmas, even Father’s Day they didn’t actually ask to see him, just to send him the cookies they made for him, which I ended up letting them eat themselves. I’ve seen and had to deal with him this year (unfortunately), but they haven’t seen him in over a year.

I explained to her that I haven’t heard from their dad in a really long time (sort of true). LMS asked why their dad couldn’t ever come to their school. I told her it wasn’t because of anything I had said or done, but because he CHOSE not to come to their sports, activities, musicals. I apologized for his behavior (why do I have to apologize?!) and when we stopped in front of the school and by now they both have tears – I tried to remind them how much I love them and how even though he doesn’t make the effort, there are a lot of people in their lives that they are blessed with who do (MrS, his grandparents, my sister, etc). They just nodded and got out of the car.

I HATE that I had to leave them that way this morning! I HATE that they have to have their heart broken over and over by this slug! Its one thing for him to hurt me – but WHY our daughters?!

Last week we had our follow up court appearance for the whole child support thing. He didn’t show, so as of next Wednesday there will be a warrant issued for his arrest and I was pleased to find out that as long as he’s in the county – they will actively look for him (obviously not a man-hunt, but it’s not just going to be sitting on a computer somewhere). If he leaves the county – like if he ever ACTUALLY goes to school like he said a year and a half ago (yeah right), I will have to have my lawyer work with that county sheriff. Our hope is that he’ll end up in jail and after a few days in there (or whatever they do – not pleasant though I’m sure), we’ll go to him with the offer I’ve discussed before. I’m counting the days…

The upside of them being upset this morning is that as they got out still crying, the walked into the building arm-in-arm totally missed the Kodak moment – dang it!). I’m really happy they have each other for support. I know this is not the last time they will shed tears over this heartless man, but I hope by not “sheltering” them from the truth of who he really is, will help them learn and grow so that they can be less affected by him (like me).

How would you have handled the situation?

Monday, September 20, 2010

A kid one day..(gulp)..a pre-teen the next..

We've been super busy around the Snowflake house lately.  Between work, work, and um..more work, starting our school schedule, the two Jr's sports and everything else, we've also been in a three week process with the kids purging and cleaning out rooms and then moving everyone around.  I'm SO glad it's over!!
The twin Snowflakes have officially moved into JrMrS's room (they've slept down there/played down there alost EVERY night since Mr. S built that room) and we've split the girls into their own rooms.
This weekend was our final chore - painting JrMsS's new room.  Changing it from a nursery to a pre-teens room was not as easy as I thought.  It was nice I was able to go shopping so soon after college dorm season - lots of clearance items. 

Saturday, September 4, 2010

100th Post!

I thought for my 100th post (yippee!!), I'd list 100 of my favorite things.

1. My husband, family and friends (listing all those people could be 100 by itself)
2. My wonderful children
3. Random hugs and kisses from my kids.
4. Holding hands
5. Slow dancing
6. Giggling (myself, kids, babies)
7. A fun date with my hubby
8. Christmas (all holidays but especially Christmas)
9. Parties
10. Having people over to the house

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

How we celebrated our first wedding anniversary

I've always know Mr. S and I weren't the normal couple.  We're super laid back, comfortable with ourselves and we have FIVE kids - so there's not a whole lot of US time.  The day after our wedding, Mr. S was all about packing up and leaving the lake so he could get home to mow (so romantic).  Our whole honeymoon I kept having to make comments about the other honeymooners (as well as anniversary people) and how sweet they looked and how un-newlywed we looked. 
In May, for our first anniversary, we started planning a weekend trip to Kansas City - it would have been our FIRST night/weekend alone since our honeymoon.  Yes, it wasn't what we had pictured a year ago - but it was something for us.  About a week ago Mr. S cancelled it all (we can't afford it, we don't have anyone to watch the kids, etc.).  I made a deal that if he could sell our football tickets, then yes, we wouldn't go, but if he didn't, then we'd keep the trip (we did have money - why else would I have busted butt in Wyoming? we did have people to watch the kids - there is know reason we couldn't have gone).  Of course the VERY next day he got rid of the tickets :(
So, our first anniversary was spent running to sports for the kids, working (both of us), him mowing the yard, and we got to go to dinner on Sunday evening.  Of course, we thought we'd get to come home from that dinner and have some "alone time", but no, his grandparents stuck around to watch the end of Enchanted (really?) and eat wedding cake.  I'm totally appreciative that they watched the girls for us, but it was just kind of awkward.  Oh well...

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Our First Anniversary

One year ago today this was us...
It hasn't been the easiest of years, but I wouldn't have wanted to go through it with anyone but you.  Thank you for all that you do as a husband, a partner, a friend, and a father.

Hoping we have many, many more years of dancing together.
I love you SO much!

My week in Wyoming

I NEVER pictured myself going to Wyoming (of course I thought the same thing about Nebraska and Iowa and look at me now).  Not that it's a bad place (in fact it's beautiful!), I just never really saw myself going there for anything.  In late June we found out that we won a project for the National Guard.  I and a co-worker were going to plan a training conference for them in Laramie, WY.  It was a scramble for 6 weeks.  We had almost no time to get it all planned and do everything else we needed to.  Remember my post about a bad review?  That was for this project.  Somehow she and I pulled it all off and on the 15th we headed for Laramie to pull off the conference.  What a week.  I worked almost 90 HOURS!!! It was a LOT of work, but we had a lot of fun too.

First Day of School 2010

Jr.Ms.S - 5th grade, LMS - 2nd grade
They're so big!!
I mentioned before I had to go to WY for the week.  I left Mr. S a long list of chores the kids needed to do during the week and all of their activities.  I even explicity wrote down that he MUST take at least one picture on the first day of school.  Of course he didn't and couldn't possibly understand why I NEEDED it.  Grr..He made it up though and sent me this at the end of the day.

Big Birthday Weekend

The weekend of the 14th was a big weekend for us, both Mr. S and the Twin Snowflakes celebrate their birthdays that day, so we (I) had a lot to get ready for.
Friday evening while Mr. S was at football practice with Jr.Mr.S, TS2 and I did a WHOLE LOT of cooking!  In addition to party cooking, I also made the twins their b-day dinner so Mr. S could chose what he wanted on their actual birthday this year (TS2 chose last year).  Since TS1 LOVES shrimp pasta - that's what I made for them and even though I made up my own recipe (I forgot all of the ingredients for the recipe I have), it went over REALLY well (almost better than the real recipe).

Happy Bithday Twin Snowflakes!

Happy birthday you two silly little guys!  SEVEN!!  What a big year for you two!
(Yes - I thought we had candles so I didn't pick any up - my bad - we made up a pretend 7)
You two have grown SO much since I met you.  This year you're in 1st grade and you're turning into big boys now.  I can't believe it.

Happy Birthday Mr. S!

Happy Birthday to my honey!
Happy Birthday to the best man in my life.  You're loving, hard working, caring, and the most wonderful father ever.  Here's to so many more great years!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Bad, Bad Blogger...

So I had every intention to write my honey's and stepson's b-day blog on their b-day.  However I cooked, and cooked, and cooked for their party/b-day dinner and ran out of blogging time - I even have a blister to prove the hard work :(

I mean to make it up the next day, and then the next and the next while I was on my work trip to Wyoming.  As boring as WY is (sorry, but it was most of the time) I still didn't find the time to make up the b-day post and talk about my trip, or the first day of school or anything.

My plan was to blog about everything in addition to JrMrS's first f-ball game this weekend, but after working almost 90 HOURS last week, I decided to completely veg this weekend - I'm such a slacker. 

So please bear with me, I WILL catch up this week - It's just going to be in one HUGE chunk - sorry.

So if there was a Bad Blogger award going around - it'd be awarded to me.

Stay tuned....

Friday, August 13, 2010

Fill in the Blank Friday

In honor of birthdays (I'll have a double/triple b-day post tomorrow), here's some fill in the blanks for birthdays...

1. Birthdays are: I'm not a fan - I don't like the attention that I'm getting older.  If we're celebrating anyone else's, then no problem - I'll go ALL out.

2. My favorite birthday memory was I'm not really sure - like I said - I try to block them out...

3. A birthday tradition I (or my family) has is my mom used to make strawberry shortcake only on my birthday every year - it seemed to be right when strawberries came out and she was craving them (she didn't make them because they were my favorite cake - it was all about her)  :)

4. If I had to choose one birthday meal to eat for the rest of my birthdays hence forward, I would choose: can I order anything from Bonefish - that would probably be my favorite place for a b-day and they YUMMY food.

5. My birthday is on March 8th.

6. If I could take a birthday trip I would go to I don't know - that's REALLY hard - Mexico, Hawaii...just anywhere fun!

7. The best gift I've ever received for my birthday was two things stand out the most in my mind.  The first was my kitty I got when I was ten - my dad HATED cats, but he loved me enough to pick me out a great one.  The other would have to be the time Mr.S bought me blue tulips, but they weren't.   He'd been SO inistant that I HAD TO have blue tulips - silly HyVee PAINTED purple ones blue!

How would you fill in the blanks?

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Best Sight in the world

A couple of weeks ago I showed you the saddest sight in the world - this is the BEST sight in the world...

They're back home!!

I've gotten the most/best-est hugs ever today. SO worth the 2 weeks apart!!
Have you ever gone kid-less?

Sunday, August 8, 2010


It's been a slow couple of weeks for the Snowflakes - at least in our definition of slow.  The hardest thing for me has been the lack of kids around the house.  The girls left on Thursday and yes we had the boys, but it's still not the same.  On top of that, work has been INSANE!!!
A week ago Friday, Mr. S's mom informed us that her father passed away - almost three weeks to the day after her mom. We took her to dinner that night - I feel so bad because I don't think it's sunk in yet - she's been so busy between her parents and now it's all over.  I just don't know what I would do without mine even though we are separated by so many miles!
Monday was the begining of football season - Jr.Mr.S is having fun working out with his new team - too bad it's SO hot. 
Wednesday I got stuck working super late at the restuarant and then Thursday my boss there asked if I could come in for a while since someone called in sick.  Ugh - I totally should have said no - I was a walking zombie for some reason.
Like I said, on Thursday I was pretty much a walking zombie, on top of forgetting all parental duties since I did not have any around last week.  About 4 pm a mom of one of LMS's friends texted me that she had to do an unthinkable thing - go home and tell her daughter that LMS and her were not in the same class this year. did she know that?...Oh crap!  I forgot it was school registration day!!!  I raced out of work and got to the school in record time (35 minutes!!).  When I sat down with the school secretary to get the girl's paperwork she double checked I was only there for the girls - I said yes, but would take anything for the boys if I needed to.  She was very adament that she knew their mom had been in earlier that day.  When we got to the part where she asked about pre-paying for school lunches, she started acting all weird.  She asked if someone else was responsible for paying the girl's lunches and then mentioned that she was "TOLD" the boy's dad was responsible for theirs.  She acted all scared to ask me.  I paid and confirmed the story she was told but she just kept apologizing and explaining she was just a "messenger"  What the hell did the boys mom say/do to upset her that bad?!!I felt so sorry for her.  School secretaries are the nicest women and this one was all fearful of my reaction - sad that apparently the EX had to be such a BITCH to her.
Friday was another long stressful day, Mr. S and I finished it out with him meeting me at the restaurant for dinner when I was done.
Satuday the "big" event was picking up our beef - woo-hoo!! I also worked at the resaurant and then since Mr.S didn't want to watch anything good when I gt home and finished showering and eating dinner - I ended up working my other job from about 9 to 11:15 pm!
We had a pretty good day today, we went to brunch in Omaha, went to the mall and got Mr. S, Jr.Mr.S and I some stuff, went to Walgreens (they have really cheap wine), and then went groccery shopping.  Brunch was nice - I think we have a new place to pick from - Mr. S really loves his breakfast places. 
So that's pretty much our last week - just lots of work and a HUGE LACK of kids stuff - I'm not functioning well.  Can I admit that I don't know how to act without my girls?  It's just too weird to not have those two little butts around all the time and has made me think a lot more about Mr. S's idea for the complete custody.  I can't go back to them being gone and dealing with stupid's aftermath when they do get home. Ugh.
They'll be home Tuesday and I can't wait to hold them and sqeeze them and never let go. :)

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Fill in the Blank (Saturday)

What is your spouse’s best feature? Oh, that would have to be his eyes. He has the prettiest blue eyes.

Mild, Medium or Hot sauce? Medium to Hot - sadly in the midwest you can rarely find it hot enough.

What is the worst uniform you had to wear for a job? Probably the one when I worked at the movie theater.  Not that it was horrible, but no matter how much washing - you couldn't get the oil out of it - gross.

You have invisible powers… where is the first place you would go? I'm not sure - maybe some super-secret meeting of the minds - don't you wonder what happens in those?

What’s left on your “to do” list for this summer? Funny you should ask! I actually have a list of 101 things I need to work on :)
How would you fill in the blanks?

Thursday, July 29, 2010

The saddest sight in the whole world.. watching your kids leave for a long time :(

The girls left this morning for Arizona to spend some quality time with my parents.  But it was so heart breaking watching them board that plane all alone.
I was all prepared to let them go at the gate and then run to my car and bawl until I got to work, but NO...apparently Southwest makes you stay in the gate area until they're in the air.  I get the point, but it was so much worse to stand there and wait...and wait...and wait...
Then you get to see them roll away and turn tail to you...ugh...

And then you wait and wait and wait while they're around the corner getting ready to get into the air and EVERY nightmare in the world runs through your head (what if the plane crashes on the runway RIGHT in front of me and then I'm a HORRIBLE mom because I'm not on that stupid plane with my kids burning up with them!!!!).  Ugh - like I said - EMOTIONAL! At least none of the worst happened and they took off just fine.  I also didn't get my bawling time because I had to immediately get on a conference call. 

How does my mom and other long-distance moms do it?!  ugh - heartbreaking.

I know they'll have fun and it'll be nice for Mr. S and I to have our FIRST night off from kids (and a whole week) without kids since our honeymoon.  - Guess we'll see if the marriage works on our own :)

What's a hard-mom-thing you've had to do?

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Growing Pains

I LOVE having daughters.  I loved getting to dress them all cute as babies.  I loved that I could totally re-live my childhood of princesses and Barbies through them.  I've love watching them turning into little women. 
The pain finally hit though this weekend.


Seeing her in that just hit me that - wait - this isn't my LITTLE GIRL anymore.  Where has the time gone?  I mean REALLY..where as it gone?!

So although she's not feeling the growing pains sure is.  I mean what's next?  Do I really HAVE to do "The Talk" now?  I remember when my mom gave it to me in THIRD grade - ugh - I was SO not ready to hear about all the gross women's bodies things and I was REALLY SO NOT READY to hear about my mom and dad having S-E-X - GROSS!  So, maybe I'm a bad mom that I've avoided it. Kids grow up SO fast - do I really have to push it THAT much faster?  Teaching her how to wear a real bra and how which colors have to go with which types of shirts - isn't that pretty mom-ish?  I never got that lesson (seriously - my first wedding dress I wore white and green underwear and since I knew NOTHING about how colors show through clothes - everyone could see them - ugh). I didn't get that lesson until I went to Victoria Secret when I was like 25 to get a bra fitting whan THAT was finally explained to me.

She's also starting to get some random blemishes, so we picked up some Noxema as well in the store this weekend.  I look back and I can't believe I was saying "when I was a teenager I used this..." or "this really helped when I had this blemish problem". HOW DID I GET SO OLD?!!

Of course I want to do the right thing and not let her find these things out the hard way or the wrong way.  I realize that VERY soon I need to have "The Talk", I'm just not sure how to approach it I guess.  I don't want to scar her like I was (sorry mom).  We have a pretty open relationship and we can talk about things, but this crosses a line I'm not sure I want to share. 

How were you given "The Talk" or how have you given it?

Monday, July 26, 2010

You know you live in a small town when... at the community center just leave their bikes like this...
Even in the small town I lived in as a child we wouldn't have gotten away with this - let alone anywhere now in the 2000's.  Gotta love the small town (that and I was so distracted by the unlocked bikes that I left my car doors unlocked with my purse sitting on the front seat for anyone's taking while I took this picture and then went into the pool for about 10 minutes to collect kids) :P

What still surprises you about living in a small town or a big city?

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


It's hard to see, but LMS's finger is BLACK and BLUE! 
Yesterday at Kid Care her finger was somehow rolled over by a HUGE roll of butcher clock paper.  Poor baby...
Last night when I tried to get her to ice it, all she did was whine and complain about how the ice hurt her.  This morning I took her into Kid Care and I played the "mom lie" card.  I "threatened" that if she didn't ice it - I was taking her to the Dr. tonight and having him drill a hole in her finger to release the pressure (this has happened before with Jr.Ms.S and TS2 - except they had the bruising on the nail side). I knew they wouldn't ACTUALLY drill into her finger, but she didn't.  Apparently she iced it good at Kid Care today and had it on ice even when I got home tonight.  She also pointed out how it didn't hurt at all to bend it or ice it :) It does look better today than yesterday or even this morning (for some reason they taped it when she went swimming - that's the white stuff).  
I still feel bad for her, but I'm also glad I pulled a "mom lie". 

What "mom" cards do you pull?

Sunday, July 18, 2010

What constitutes a bad week (and a half)?

It may not have been the worst week and a half ever in my life, but when you look back at all that you’ve been through, it just adds up.

Let’s start with July 7th (a week and a half ago). Mr. S’s grandmother passed away after battling cancer for only about 3 months. It came on hard and fast and although she’s in a better place and no longer in pain, it’s still hard for Mr. S’s mom and family. He’s been pretty estranged from that side of the family for years, so the memorial last Saturday was the first time a lot of his family had met LMS (the boys were at a wrestling camp and Jr.Ms.S was at her swimming district meet – Mr. S thought it was more important for them to do that). From the stories I heard about her, she will be a very missed woman. And now today we found out that Mr.S’s grandfather isn’t doing very well now – I guess after 65+ years – you really can’t do without the other.

(grandparents are in the center sitting down)

On July 8th, I took flowers and card to my sister for her birthday. As I was walking into the office building I missed one TINY little stair right before the door (how did I make it up the freaking 20 large ones before that?) and fell hitting my knees SUPER hard, the flowers went FLYING, and I had to walk into the building with blood running down my knees. Ugh, at least HOPEFULLY no one saw me do it – what a klutz I am. The bad thing is that my knees are STILL bruised and now I’m suffering a lot of pain in one when I stand too long (hopefully I didn’t tear something in my knee like someone suggested). (by the way sissy - sorry I didn't do a birthday blog post - I'm so bad and behind - I'm sorry).
Happy Birthday Sissy!!

Last Sunday Mr. S and I fought about PB sandwiches - yeah - that was the stupidest fight of the century.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Fill in the Blank Friday

You know the drill....fill 'em in...

1. My favorite thing about this week has been having a completely lazy Monday with Mr. S and the girls.  There is hardly a day that goes by when I don't work and I was able to COMPLETELY take the day off. I also am really happy I took a long lunch yesterday and focused on ME - that doesn't happen very often.

2. The weather this week has been it was nice early this week, but now it's just gross and humid :P

3. The last (interesting) item I received in the mail was probabaly a check from some class action suit against Yahoo.  $40 bucks is great when you're not expecting it :)

4. The last movie I saw was Brooklyn's Finest technically - although I worked through most of it - so don't ask me what it was about :P

5. If I could be doing anything I felt like today I would probably work some, go groccery shopping, relax with Mr. S, and take the girls to one of the movies I've been promising them.

6. As a teenager I was - I'm not sure, but I bet my sister and brother could fill in this one for me :) (be nice)

7. I wish I could trade lives for the day with one of our cats - what a life: lay around, eat, play with a stupid fuzz ball, sleep, eat....

How would you fill in the blanks?

Monday, July 5, 2010

Why living in a small town still amazes me

My mom grew up in a very small town in California.  The three of us kids and even my dad would make fun of her for this - we were city people and sometimes her "view" of the world just didn't jive with the way things really were in a large metropolitan area in Arizona. I was born in a small town in Southern Arizona and each year for the Fourth of July we'd visit my grandma there, go to the soap box derby races down the mountain, eat ice cream, watch the parade that went down main street and then watched the fireworks on her patio.  That was my "small town" experience growning up. 

Since I've moved to the midwest, I've learned about what we missed out on in my child-hood: everyone has FIREWORKS!  Our towns really sound like some kind of revolutionary war is going on.  How small was my bubble that I didn't know about this?!  In AZ no one is allowed to have fireworks due to the fire danger (even the professional ones set pretty bad fires).

The past few years with Mr. S we've gone to Lake Okoboji for the Fourth.  It's been such a fun experience and the kids have started recognizing it as a "tradition" for us (we need more traditions - it's hard with all the back and forth though with the boys).  This year because of our insane schedules, lack of money and because Crazy is stupid and wouldn't let us have the boys longer than just the Fourth (it's HER week), we ended up just staying home for the holiday.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy Independance Day

I hope everyone has a great Fourth of July!  I'm so thankful to live in a country with the freedoms I have and most of all I'm thankful for those people that protect my freedoms.

Especially my little brother, part of the newest Navy Class...
May 2010 - Swearing in
June 2010 - Graduation from Navy Bootcamp

Reunited with his family

So, So proud of you little brother! Now when can I come to S. Carolina?

Happy 4th!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Quick Update

Sorry I've been MIA for the past couple of months.  I'm really looking forward to life slowing down soon - at least for a little while.  Here's our week:

1) We had two swim meets this week. JrMsS is doing a lot better.  We've also found a way to "bribe" her to do better.  When she was hungry before one of her heats, Mr. S told her she could have a cheeseburger if she came in 3rd or better.  That kid got out there and swam the most perfect breast stroke I've ever seen and got 2nd place!  Her coach was laughing SO HARD when she did that (she knew about our deal with her and of course she was SUPER proud of her too).  It's amazing what a cheeseburger can motivate.

2) Speaking of cheeseburgers, do you know how many cheeseburgers and tacos it takes to feed all of my kids at swim meets?  12 cheeseburgers and 18 tacos!! (Seriously we don't eat fast food this often on a normal basis)

3) If you haven't already read my other post, I had my first solo project this week.  It's the first new project our section has gotten since I started and my boss let me go loose on it.  The bad this was I only had about a day to design the website and then I had MAJOR problems with the hosting company.  It all worked out in the end, but I was SO emotionally spent and SO exhausted Wednesday - instead of going to the other job, I called in, picked up chinese and the girls, opened a bottle of wine and had movie night.  I was A LOT better then next day.

4) Speaking of the other job, I did go in last night for a whole whooping THREE tables.  Ugh - at least they all tipped pretty well and I was home by 7 pm.

5) Thursday night after the swim meet we went over to Mr. S's aunts house and celebrated his grandfather's birthday with cake, ice cream and fireworks.  We had a lot of fun Aunt R and happy birthday grandpa!

6) Since it had been such a long week, we had a super late night Thursday night and I didn't see the point of driving all the way into work when so many people would be out or leaving super early, I decided not to go into work.  We slept in (the kids were kind of freaking out being out of the norm and all), I worked remotely on my couch, I even took a nap yesterday afternoon.  It was a good day.

7) Yesterday was my Nana's birthday, I wish I would have been more on the ball and sent you something other than just an amazon card like usual, but hopefully you find something you really want.  I hope you had a really wonderful day!

8) Speaking of work, I won another department award.  I don't know for what yet, but I got an email yesterday asking me which prize I wanted: Movie tickets, Round of Golf, Omaha Steaks, or money to Large Engineering Company store. hard to choose....

9) I guess I haven't updated you on our newest future trip to the ER device Mr. S has put up.  For SOME reason, he has it in his head that the kids need a climbing rope for building muscles.  He picked up rope and a 2x4 on Saturday and wanted to put it at the top of our garage!  Ugh! I talked him out of destroying the siding and facia, as well as the danger of the kids climbing that high over the concrete and ended up talking him into a lower spot under the deck.  Of course as soon as Jr.Mr.S got here Sunday, he just HAD to eventually make it to the top, so Mr. S is CONVINCED we need a higher one.  Now he has another one tied to a beam inside the garage, but I know it's only going to be days and I'll have to fight him off destroying the house again.  Either that or the kids will continue to use it as a rope swing like they do behind his back and as they launch themselves from the side of the house down to the patio, we'll have an ER visit.  Seriously?  How long is a climbing rope going to be a "fun" thing before they completely ignore it?  TS2 is already asking for a tire to be attached so they can swing instead.  Guess we'll see who's right...we all know it's going to be me, right?

That's our week pretty much - just another BUSY, work-filled, running all over Iowa week.  At least we have the long weekend ahead.

Happy 4th of July!!