Wednesday, October 20, 2010

oh..kay..something is going on

So the other day I was complaining about what a psycho Mr. S's ex is. Something WEIRD has happened the last couple of days.
Yesterday, Mr.S picked up the boys for his WHOLE two hours extra that she's "granted" him on Tuesdays before practice. Before they left though Twin Snowflake 2 was adament that he did not want to go to practice and wanted to stay the night at his dad's house.  He called his mom, but she of course couldn't make a decision at the moment.  She promised she'd call him back at 6 - so it meant he had to go to practice.
At 6 she didn't call and Mr. S asked for him.  She couldn't give an answer then either - she just HAD to talk to HER sons and make sure it was really what they wanted.  Umm...he called you and asked...doesn't that mean he wants it? Duh...
Anyway, she got to practice and had a LONG drawn out talk with the twins.  TS2 "convinced" her it was what he wanted, but she wouldn't let him stay since he didn't have a jacket (um this ALL could have been avoided if you'd just let him not have to go to practice) DUMB!
Mr. S and JrMrS went to pick him up after practice (he was also staying), when he asked him to run in and get TS2, he made the comment that "oh mom is probably in there trying to convince him not to go". He also made another comment about how he wishes they could just stay with their dad.  Hmm..either they're finally seeing her for who she is...or something is going on.
They were really excited when they got home and loved the dinner I made (cheesy chicken and tomateos - yum!). They seemed really comfortable, more than normal, and something about them made it seem like they were escaping to a haven. It's great - I just don't understand though.
So today, JrMrS called his mom this evening and asked to stay again.  Super weird...
She of course wouldn't give an answer when they asked and said she'd talk to them when she got here.  When she did, all the boys went out and talked FOREVER outside the car.  TS2 finally ended up running back to the house announcing he was staying - his mom said to do whatever he!?!?! (JrMrS ended up not staying - not sure why)
Based on Mr.S's and her recent text arguments - NOTHING like this was ever going to happen. I have serious doubts she's just "listening" to what the boys want. She's too selfish. I'm really concerned something is going on at ther house.
I don't know if I've mentioned before, but her stepson used to live with them full time and last spring - according to the boys - she KICKED him out and sent him back down to Louisianna to live with his mom because he was being mean to them and couldn't handle him. Again, it's heresay - but remember - she's the PSYCHO Social Worker.  I believe there is also a truth to it because when she was complaining about the girls this summer (another PSYCHO agrument) and Jason spat back that he wasn't going to take advice from a step mom that kicks her step child out, she backed down from the fight REAL fast. A couple weeks ago, her husband and stepson came back. The boys haven't complained or anything, but is this the factor that is pushing this development?

What would you think?

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