Monday, December 6, 2010

A Snowflake Update

I've been trying to avoid anymore negative posts. Things in many ways have improved, especially on the health side - other things are not so good...I guess such is life - you get the good and the bad. As the book I'm currently reading states "it's all about what you focus on though" (RAPT). So for an update..

To start with the good...I'm feeling MUCH better. I'm still coughing some and part of my herniated rib is still...herniated..but so much better now. The long Thanksgiving weekend (and my muscle relaxers prescribed by the urgent care doctor) aided so much in that. I really appreciate that my husband finally saw that I needed the time and my sister was such a big help with my obligation to get the house decorated for Christmas for the kids.

I think that mine and Mr. S's marriage is more on track again. We needed focus (again...focus on that which is most important to your life), we NEED date nights and I think we're getting there - we're going to take the time to focus on each other and close out the "bad" or "stressful" that consumes us. I think that for the last few weeks we've both been much more happy with where we're at together and that's a good thing.

Also good...the girls and I got to spend the weekend together and had a lot of fun together. Mr. S and the boys were all deer hunting this weekend, so we spent Saturday shopping and going to lunch. I was SUPPOSED to be Christmas shopping, but I think I spent more money on buying the girls new clothes and LMS's fish. So, needless to say..I'm WAY behind on Christmas shopping. Sunday we spent most of the day watching movies and catching up on Glee together. Such a nice relaxing weekend. Now I need to find Mr. S something else to hunt so we get more "girls" weekends and less wrestling matches :)

Speaking of LMS's fish - we had a death in the family...Taylor Fish..our beta from Mr. S's cousin's wedding in June died. LMS was SO distraught last Sunday, but by Monday she was ready to flush him with the promise of a new fish this weekend. We've welcomed two new members to the family, Goldie and Firey, a couple of large fan tail goldfish. So, a happy/sad story.

For the bad..hmm..where to start...
Work has been really frustrating lately. I LOVE my job, but I've had a couple of co-workers I've clashed with and I feel like I'm not always getting the best direction from my boss. Last week I was completely blown off by my mentor, but yet was COMPLETELY helpful to someone else - someone she has NO responsibility for...whatever...I hope it was just something else was wrong and she was just taking it out on me, it seems to be that way since this week she's in a better mood. We'll see how it goes....

The really bad...this is going to be a bit of a long story, but Mr. S's Psycho Ex is at it again.  Both parents have 14 days vacation per year per the divorce decree with a minimum of a two week's notice. Per the decree it also says it's to be taken 7 days at a time, but they have ALWAYS done it for a weekend here, a day there, NEVER in a week-long interval. In October (actually earlier since he texted her in Sept. to notify her), he requested some days in Nov and Dec for vacation to allow the boys to participate in our family Thanksgivings/Christmases, some wrestling tournaments and etc. Last week she apparently found out her family's Christmas was going to be on the 26th (why she can't do it on the 25th - which she claimed as HER holiday for this is beyond us...grr). She asked Mr. S to change his dates, but he put his foot down and said no - he had plans (the boys are signed up for a wrestling tournament) - oh he's SO heartless according to her. They had a HUGE arguement through text and it ended up that 1) She's now taking the 17th through 23rd for vacation (this impedes our Christmas with Mr. S's mom and sister - now who's the heartless one?) and 2) she's following the decree so he loses his last 4 days since he can't string together 7 days with a two week notice and not over a holiday (which is crap because she's taken vacation over a holiday before). Ugh!! I've had it with her BS! Mr. S has had it with her BS. Even the boys have had it with her BS (last night JrMrS made a statement about how he was tired of the crap and how his dad should try asking for hunting time in a few hours when she calmed down - yeah not gonna happen - ugh). I told Mr S to get a hold of his lawyer - we're taking her butt to court. It means I have to work my part-time job even longer (I'm going to pay for the lawyer), but if we can get some progress, that's all that matters. Mr. S saw his lawyer today, they are sending her a letter telling her that she "may" be in contempt - that Mr. S has tried to negotiate with her as ordered at their last hearing (she's completely un-negotiable - the judge yelled at her about it). We're requesting that Mr. S's vacation days get returned for the 27th through 30th (she can f-ing have the 26th - stupid B*tch). We're also requesting that the visitation schedule get changed to be completely equal - one week with us - one with her and that the vacation wording is modified to state that vacation can be taken in whatever amounts with a minimum of 1 day to a maximum of 7 days. Why do we have to do this?!!! Why is she SO unreasonable?!!! Ugh - she's SO STUPID!!! She has one week to respond and then we'll push for a court hearing (so she can get admonished by the court). We think we'll win - at least the vacation portion of it. I just feel so bad for Mr. S - he's such a WONDERFUL father - he deserves better.

Anyway, that's basically our update for now. I'm hoping to start feeling in the Christmas mood soon - I'm really having a hard time this year - I don't know if it's that I'm not feeling well - or overwhelmed with work and the kid's activities, but I LOVE Christmas and I want to feel more like myself.

Also, if you've noticed, I'm posting this to FaceBook based on the responses I got from readers on there. Most want to follow our family - as I stated before - if there's a subject that you're out-of-sorts about, please realize this is MY feelings, MY sounding board and I hope that you can recognize that I WILL vent - it doesn't mean I'm trying to take it out on you though.

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