Sunday, July 18, 2010

What constitutes a bad week (and a half)?

It may not have been the worst week and a half ever in my life, but when you look back at all that you’ve been through, it just adds up.

Let’s start with July 7th (a week and a half ago). Mr. S’s grandmother passed away after battling cancer for only about 3 months. It came on hard and fast and although she’s in a better place and no longer in pain, it’s still hard for Mr. S’s mom and family. He’s been pretty estranged from that side of the family for years, so the memorial last Saturday was the first time a lot of his family had met LMS (the boys were at a wrestling camp and Jr.Ms.S was at her swimming district meet – Mr. S thought it was more important for them to do that). From the stories I heard about her, she will be a very missed woman. And now today we found out that Mr.S’s grandfather isn’t doing very well now – I guess after 65+ years – you really can’t do without the other.

(grandparents are in the center sitting down)

On July 8th, I took flowers and card to my sister for her birthday. As I was walking into the office building I missed one TINY little stair right before the door (how did I make it up the freaking 20 large ones before that?) and fell hitting my knees SUPER hard, the flowers went FLYING, and I had to walk into the building with blood running down my knees. Ugh, at least HOPEFULLY no one saw me do it – what a klutz I am. The bad thing is that my knees are STILL bruised and now I’m suffering a lot of pain in one when I stand too long (hopefully I didn’t tear something in my knee like someone suggested). (by the way sissy - sorry I didn't do a birthday blog post - I'm so bad and behind - I'm sorry).
Happy Birthday Sissy!!

Last Sunday Mr. S and I fought about PB sandwiches - yeah - that was the stupidest fight of the century.

Wednesday I took in my ring to be cleaned and have the settings checked. If you didn’t follow my wedding blog, you wouldn’t know that DAYS before our wedding this particular jewelry store (see, I withhold names – although I shouldn’t for them anymore) BROKE my engagement ring and I had to wear a “stand-in” for the wedding and honeymoon. Anyway, I took my ring to them to be cleaned for the first time since it got replaced last fall and when they handed it back to me it was missing a freaking diamond!!! They did absolutely no QC on their work (one of my BIGGEST pet-peeves)!! My ring only has 10 diamonds in it – how could they miss that?! (wow I sound spoiled – I have the BEST husband) They ended up finding it in the cleaning basket, but I had to leave the store AGAIN without a ring for them to repair it. I got it back that afternoon, but I’m still REALLY worried about their craftsmanship, I’m constantly double checking that everything is still there.

Wednesday was also JrMsS’s last swim meet. Her third to last (?) was cancelled because of thunderstorms and I missed most of her second to last because of the memorial service (by busting butt to get there – I was able to make it for her last heat that day). For her last meet at their pool, she REALLY wanted me to be a timer so that I could see her up close. I agreed to be a timer, but because of a MASSIVE thunderstorm that rolled in – the meet was called off at heat #19 – her first heat of the meet was #21 – poor kid didn’t get to swim at all in her last meet :( Everyone had to make a run for it – there were about 40 kids in the community center crying about either not getting to swim or afraid that a tornado was coming. Luckily she has a really fun party for her team tomorrow (as long as we don’t have thunderstorms again).

This week we did a marathon of interviews for my old job again. We found a candidate, but we had to get management approval and my stupid old boss left for vacation before getting it. So now, if she takes the job once it’s offered to her, it probably won’t be until the end of Aug before she can start (she could have probably started Aug 16, but I’m out of town that week for work and the other admin on the floor is out for a conference). Grrr….as much as my bank account loves the OT, I’m SICK of working so much and so hard.

Friday a co-worker and I had to go to Columbus, NE for some facility planning for a meeting in Sept. We were only about 10 minutes from work driving east on the Dodge Expressway in Omaha and this SUV in the right lane hit this axle (?) and popped it right in front of her car. She had nothing to do but hit it since there was massive traffic on either side of us and when she did the tire shredded and we drug the thing under the car until we could get pulled over and stopped. She did everything right in the accident (didn’t swerve and slowed to a stop rather than hitting the brakes) – I’m not sure I could say I would have been able to do the same. Luckily we nor anyone else was hurt, but it was just a SUPER pain to have to be on the side of the Expressway waiting for the police (we wanted to make sure no one else hit it and she needed the report for insurance), waiting for the tow truck and waiting for her husband to get there to give me a ride and pick her up (glad it wasn’t my car – it would have been HOURS before my husband would have gotten there since he’d already left for the day – thanks babe!).

On top of going through that, my stupid restaurant job just COULDN’T give me the night off. Seriously? I was worthless – I’ve worked WAY too much this week, had a super LONG day before we had the accident, and although we were fine, I was STILL shook up…grrr….They SAID they’d let me go once the rehearsal dinners were over, but – no – they let EVERYONE else leave except the closers before I could since I was the last in (normally I’m one of the first). It was SO stupid for me to be there – I went about an hour with NO tables before they let me off, I think they were mad that I didn’t take an 8-top at the end of the rush, um, remember, I’m worthless and have NO energy? Just let me go!!!

So, this week I’ve worked over 60 HOURS between the two jobs – I’m exhausted. It would have been one thing if I had been traveling all week, but it was just a whole lot of 12 hour days :(

I guess I should be glad that Mr. S and I have such good jobs, but we just can’t catch up and we’re getting further behind with his company’s pay cuts. We’ve decided we’re going to have to sell his truck and since we need the money sooner, rather than later, we’ll probably have to sell to CarMax which offered crap for it (um yeah, I'm mad about the situation and they're sucky bid, so they get their name used). The only bright spot is that with selling it we *might* have the money to take the kids skiing for Christmas, which I think they’ll really enjoy a lot since we missed it and all of our other vacations this year.

Mr. S has been TRYING to work with his stupid ex on custody.  They have joint custody and technically he's suppossed to be able to have the half the time, but because she's a controlling b*tch, she won't agree to let the boys go to a week on/week off schedule during the school year (like we do in the summer), even though it's in their best interest to not have to go one day here - one day there, etc.  Grrr.... She argues that the girls are bad and I'm a controlling b*tch and it's CALMER at her house - okay so that's why the boys FREAK OUT when they don't have something she needed them to take home to her (like literally tears if they can't find it) and they're just like "whatever" if they forget something that their dad requested come back.  I would ASSUME Miss. Social Worker that the reaction the boys display is NOT calmer and that YOU'RE the controlling, obtusive b*tch. Double Grr..I just feel bad that Mr. S has to put up with this.

So, yes, the above may not actually constitute a bad week necessarily, but I’m ready for some good news and things to happen - -please?

What has been one of your worst weeks?

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