Saturday, October 16, 2010

Where to start?

Hi...I'm a bad, bad blogger. How did SO much time get away from me?  A lot has happened-yet it just has seemed to day-to-day for us I guess-we live at a CRAZY pace. So, to catch up, here's some high-level bullet points...
1) JrMsS has been playing volleyball this fall. It's been fun to watch her, this being her first year I think she did really well (especially this week).  Today was the playoff tournament. They did really, really well.  However because Stupid Mo Valley cheats ALL THE TIME, we were eliminated pretty quickly.  Oh well.  I'm excited that she's looking forward to playing next year and LMS will be old enough to play too. Tuesday is the start of Basketball...

2) Speaking of sports wrapping up (and beginning), JrMrS has his last regular season game tomorrow.  We play Mo Valley (hopefully we kick their butts and prove you don't have to CHEAT to win - grr...). Next weekend we'll have a "friendship" game and then we're looking towards wrestling for all the boys (probably my least favorite sport). Unfourtunately, Mr S already has them signed up for like 5 tournaments and that only takes us to the end of this year - there's three more months after that :(

3) Okay, the statements about wrestling probably came across bad.  Honestly, yes, I LOATHE the sport, but I want to point out that I will always, ALWAYS be there for all of the kids.  I've really pushed to become more of the school community and through JrMrS's football team, I think I've started to establish myself. Geez, even their own stupid-butt mom doesn't volunteer for helping out.  A point that has not escaped the other moms :)

4) Another thing about youth football this year is that I think I'm kind of becoming the little girls' cheerleading coach and I'm really excited about that aspect.  I really want to push for an actual "organized" youth squad if I can get it together next year. Just another way parents of our kids friends are starting to notice how involved I am (and that stupid-woman is not).

5) Did you know that her stupid butt makes the boys scrub their grass stains.  They were almost in tears worrying about them one night. We're talking about a social worker...god, the state of our child welfare system REALLY needs to improve. And she says I'm bad! Ugh!!!

6) So where has time gone? Probably the majority of it has gone to working. I have to say I love my job though.  I haven't really been able to say that, but now that my old position has been filled, I've been able to finally focus on my position (although there are SOME that STILL come to me for admin stuff...Mr D and our regional manager because NO ONE can do it better than me...) oh well.  Job security, right? My replacement has been a pain though.  She really angers me and I just have to repeat to myself over and over again that it's not my job anymore...if she's going to screw up the service she gave to the internal clients, it doesn't affect me.  I've tried to mentor and offer suggestions and she just slaps me back with things like she doesn't NEED my help, she doesn't know how to do what she's doing better (even though I make suggestions), and that she doesn't need anymore of my training. That's's not my's not my face that will be falling flat onto failure.

7) Back to loving my job, I won another award at work (along with a couple of my other co-workers) for the project I did in WY.  The thing I love most about my job is the variety and unique-ness of each project.  It's a great bonus that I've gotten this recognition, but I just really, really enjoyt the work. (I'm sick, huh?)

8) Can you believe we're past the mid-point of October?  Speaking of that, it means Halloween is around the corner.  Kids are so funny. We walked into the store thinking that JrMsS was going to be a dead bride and LMS was going to be a cat. Once we ran to two stores, JrMsS ended up chosing to be Cleopatra and LMS will be a Southern Belle. I didn't get to celebrate Halloween as a kid, and once my parents changed their stance on the celebrating - I was past the whole trick-or-treating thing. I guess my favorite costume was my Ruth (from the Bible) one. At least I think that's what it was.

9) The kids didn't have school on Friday, so the girls and I were able to spend some quality time together. We went to breakfast, the dentist (more on that...), shopping for Halloween and winter, and went to lunch.  It was a good day (at least I thought so).

10) I've been a BAD, BAD mom. My daughters haven't gone to the dentist in over a year (horrible mom...). I have issues with dentists though (in addition to some other professions), it all stems from when I was a kid and a dentist SCREAMED in my face for saying OUCH (for cripes sake, I was getting a cavity filled without any meds - one ouch in the middle of that is expected, right?). So the good news is that neither one had cavities.  The bad news is that JrMsS has grown permentant teeth about 2 years early and they both have pretty serious overbites - next stop - the orthodontist next month :(

So, because I'm weird about even numbers, I'm ending there. I've already vented about my ex the other day and since we're so busy between work and kids, there's really nothing else worth mentioning right now. I hope to be better about this blog, please don't be too mad at me.

What have you been up to lately?

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