Thursday, November 25, 2010


I know this is probably the 100th post you've read about people being thankful, but for me it's nice to get it all down and also to let those people know how thankful I am for them. So...

-I'm thankful for my husband. He really is the best husband ever. Yes, I don't get EVERYTHING my way - but he does his best to make sure my needs and wants are meet. He's a WONDERFUL father and provider. I really couldn't ask for much more in a great husband.

-I'm thankful for my kids. They bring excitement into our lives every single day. Yes, it's HARD raising 5 kids (and dealing with the other stupid parent), but I wouldn't want our lives to be any different. We are so lucky to have such smart, beautiful, well-behaved (most of the time) children.

-I'm thankful for our families. Whenever we've needed the extra help - they've all been there to step up and support us.

-I'm thankful for such good friends who are also there for us when we need. This week when I was SO low - the friends (and family) that were there for me uplifted me so much.

-I'm thankful for my job(s). In such a poor economy still I'm very lucky to have not one, but two jobs that let me support my family. I'm so thankful for the oppourtunities given to me this year at my large-engineering company job and I'm SO excited about what is to come. I'm so thankful to have a boss that is so eager to let me push myself and find out high far I can go and she also is a very caring, understanding person. As much as I don't want to do my second job, I'm thankful that I do have it - hopefully the lawyer stuff will end soon and I'll get him paid off as well as some other things, but in the meantime - I'm lucky to work there.

-I'm thankful for what good health I have - yes, it's been HORRIBLE lately (worsened last night), but it could always be worse - I'm sure there are many others out there much sicker and sorer than me and hopefully mine improves (VERY) soon.

Hope everyone has a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving and a safe and happy weekend!

What are you thankful for this year?

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