Friday, July 9, 2010

Fill in the Blank Friday

You know the drill....fill 'em in...

1. My favorite thing about this week has been having a completely lazy Monday with Mr. S and the girls.  There is hardly a day that goes by when I don't work and I was able to COMPLETELY take the day off. I also am really happy I took a long lunch yesterday and focused on ME - that doesn't happen very often.

2. The weather this week has been it was nice early this week, but now it's just gross and humid :P

3. The last (interesting) item I received in the mail was probabaly a check from some class action suit against Yahoo.  $40 bucks is great when you're not expecting it :)

4. The last movie I saw was Brooklyn's Finest technically - although I worked through most of it - so don't ask me what it was about :P

5. If I could be doing anything I felt like today I would probably work some, go groccery shopping, relax with Mr. S, and take the girls to one of the movies I've been promising them.

6. As a teenager I was - I'm not sure, but I bet my sister and brother could fill in this one for me :) (be nice)

7. I wish I could trade lives for the day with one of our cats - what a life: lay around, eat, play with a stupid fuzz ball, sleep, eat....

How would you fill in the blanks?

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