Monday, October 18, 2010

Just a few thoughts...

Kind of a mixed bag today...
Yesterday was a pretty relaxing day. MrS really wanted to watch the 7/8th graders play football, so we went early to watch them kick Mo Valley's butt :) Unfourtunately MrS's ex is a COMPLETE dusche and wouldn't let the boys come early (and when JrMrS did get there - she just dropped him off - she lives like 4 blocks from the school!  Why wouldn't she just let us bring him!! grr...). JrMrS's team did pretty well, but only won 6 to 0 (still beat 'em though!). We came home, I cooked enchiladas (I'm not being stuck up or anything, but I make THE BEST on the planet) and then settled in for some movie watching.  We watched How to Train your Dragon with the girls and then watched Kick Ass - I was very surprised by how violent that movie was.  I expected some violence like other super-hero movies, but not bloody violence (seriously - you saw what human looked like blown up in a microwave - gross). Minus the bad movie and the stupidness of MrS's ex - it was a good day.
JrMrS is #35
Speaking of movies - I can't WAIT to see Megamind, Harry Potter and Tangled this fall. It's so great to have kids and get to go to these without shame :)
I have to say, I'm really LOVING my job.  When the new person shot down all of my attempts to train/offer suggestions and basically told me to back off because she knew what she was doing (I only won 5 awards in two years for my work - unprecedented in my office for an admin - I can't offer any advice or anything..), it allowed me let go of the responsibility and move on. Not having to train or do the old stuff has offered me more time to explore where this new position will take me and I'm really excited. However, it is nice to get validation on my dislike of the new girl and on how well I used to do the job. I was coming from another person's office and passed my old boss in the hallway.  She asked if I was looking for her and said no, but did she need anything.  Her reply - no, just to have me back.  Wow! And it wasn't like it was a private conversation either, we were right out where anyone in the cubes could have heard. Not that I'd go back - it's just nice to hear.
So speaking of the stupid ass ex, MrS has had to fight his ex for every freaking minute he wants to spend with his sons.  Seriously!!! Why?! Do you know how many women out there WISH they had an ex HALF as good as my husband?! So today he was going through the local paper and glanced through the county sheriff reports.  They were listing August activity and in August is when MrS was pushing for having more time with the boys and wishing they could compromise and try their summer schedule during the school year.  She got all pissy and said he needed to stop harrassing her. Whatever...So back to the newspaper.  He read that on August 23rd, a woman reported that her ex husband was harrassing her, but the officer's response was that she just needed to document it. Really?!! How dumb is this woman? Remember, we're talking about a SOCIAL WORKER!!!! Ugh - she makes me sick (his offense is SO not as bad as her barging into our house last year!). I feel so bad for MrS though.  He TRULY, TRULY is the best father I know and would do ANYTHING for just even one more day with his sons in his schedule and she rakes him over like this!
Any advice out there?
Okay, so back onto a better topic - well maybe.  I've heard how good Glee is and I LOVE soundtracks, especially High School Musical (I know - I'm a dork - that's why I use the excuse that they're my daughter's CDs). Anyway, I missed last season (I should probably Netflix it and catch up), but I thought I could jump in - I'm finding myself confused though. Yeah, it's good music, but all the drama, implied sex and gay couples really bother me (that and they portray cheerleaders so bad!) - especially when I'm watching with my daughters.  It's not like it's a late-night show. It's on at 7 pm!  I know as a good parent it's my job to censor this stuff, but seriously!!  Is it just that this is the norm now, or am I being a prude?

Anyway, that's where I am tonight, just a few of my thoughts...

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