Sunday, August 8, 2010


It's been a slow couple of weeks for the Snowflakes - at least in our definition of slow.  The hardest thing for me has been the lack of kids around the house.  The girls left on Thursday and yes we had the boys, but it's still not the same.  On top of that, work has been INSANE!!!
A week ago Friday, Mr. S's mom informed us that her father passed away - almost three weeks to the day after her mom. We took her to dinner that night - I feel so bad because I don't think it's sunk in yet - she's been so busy between her parents and now it's all over.  I just don't know what I would do without mine even though we are separated by so many miles!
Monday was the begining of football season - Jr.Mr.S is having fun working out with his new team - too bad it's SO hot. 
Wednesday I got stuck working super late at the restuarant and then Thursday my boss there asked if I could come in for a while since someone called in sick.  Ugh - I totally should have said no - I was a walking zombie for some reason.
Like I said, on Thursday I was pretty much a walking zombie, on top of forgetting all parental duties since I did not have any around last week.  About 4 pm a mom of one of LMS's friends texted me that she had to do an unthinkable thing - go home and tell her daughter that LMS and her were not in the same class this year. did she know that?...Oh crap!  I forgot it was school registration day!!!  I raced out of work and got to the school in record time (35 minutes!!).  When I sat down with the school secretary to get the girl's paperwork she double checked I was only there for the girls - I said yes, but would take anything for the boys if I needed to.  She was very adament that she knew their mom had been in earlier that day.  When we got to the part where she asked about pre-paying for school lunches, she started acting all weird.  She asked if someone else was responsible for paying the girl's lunches and then mentioned that she was "TOLD" the boy's dad was responsible for theirs.  She acted all scared to ask me.  I paid and confirmed the story she was told but she just kept apologizing and explaining she was just a "messenger"  What the hell did the boys mom say/do to upset her that bad?!!I felt so sorry for her.  School secretaries are the nicest women and this one was all fearful of my reaction - sad that apparently the EX had to be such a BITCH to her.
Friday was another long stressful day, Mr. S and I finished it out with him meeting me at the restaurant for dinner when I was done.
Satuday the "big" event was picking up our beef - woo-hoo!! I also worked at the resaurant and then since Mr.S didn't want to watch anything good when I gt home and finished showering and eating dinner - I ended up working my other job from about 9 to 11:15 pm!
We had a pretty good day today, we went to brunch in Omaha, went to the mall and got Mr. S, Jr.Mr.S and I some stuff, went to Walgreens (they have really cheap wine), and then went groccery shopping.  Brunch was nice - I think we have a new place to pick from - Mr. S really loves his breakfast places. 
So that's pretty much our last week - just lots of work and a HUGE LACK of kids stuff - I'm not functioning well.  Can I admit that I don't know how to act without my girls?  It's just too weird to not have those two little butts around all the time and has made me think a lot more about Mr. S's idea for the complete custody.  I can't go back to them being gone and dealing with stupid's aftermath when they do get home. Ugh.
They'll be home Tuesday and I can't wait to hold them and sqeeze them and never let go. :)

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