Sunday, December 12, 2010

Missing my Christmas Spirit

I'm not really sure what it is, but I just cannot find it this year. Is it the lack of time? The lack of gift ideas for my friends and family? Getting over being sick/hurt? All of the ex crap? Just stress from work, kids, life? I'm not really sure.

We have been REALLY busy, we are constantly running from one thing to the next. Last night the stars aligned and Mr. S and I FINALLY got to have a date night. Our last one was so long ago, I can't even remember. Between kids things, working, etc, we just haven't had time (and probably won't again for a while). It's really sad...when did life become this hectic whirlwind? We had a nice night, regardless of the frightful drive home and back in the blizzard, a nice dinner and I got to watch HP7 - I'm such a Pot-head.

I know everyone is trying to get through this difficult economy and a lot of people aren't in the best place, but I can't remember the last time I've had such a depressing Christmas. I have no ideas for my husband, my kids, my family. I have three people done out of my list and that it! It's the middle of December and I'm no where close to getting everything done. No one will give me ideas either and I think that's what makes it the hardest. I have too much on my plate right now to be super-creative. I'm PLEASE give me ideas!!

Luckly, I am getting better health-wise. My muscle is almost healed (part of it is still tight and sticking out - yuck!) and my cough is just an infrequent annoyance now. I've met my sick quota for the year, right? Next time I promise to listen to everyone - I'm playing the baby and getting the rest I need.

As far as the ex crap...well that's still a mess. This week I go back to court AGAIN for mine - I've asked my lawyer to fight for a conviction or whatever - I'm tired of all the chances stupid gets. As for crazy...oh...crazy - all this woman needs for Christmas is a padded room. So, she got the letter from the lawyer, she refused to give Mr. S an answer at first, however she did want him to pay for JrMrS's band instrument. Mr S pays for all of the extraciricular things, she pays for the school stuff. So Mr. S said no - it's her responsibility, unless she wanted to give him back next weekend and the 27th through 30th. She wouldn't answer. Thursday we all went to the band meeting for the kids. I signed JrMsS up right away and we left. As I turned from the table, I'm not exactly sure what I felt (pity? guilt? vengence?), but all of the other parents were either signing up their kids or up talking to each other. She was sitting alone in the risers. I'm not sure exactly what was going on, but it was SO weird. We went to dinner in town while we waited for JrMsS's basketball practice to get over, she texted Mr. S and asked him to spilt the cost of a used instrument. Again, he pointed out that he would be willing to pay for the whole thing if she'd just give up next weekend and the 27th-30th. She still refused saying she can't be bought? What the hell?!! We're not trying to "buy" her, we're trying to "negotiate" - the thing she always says Mr S doesn't do. He asked about the lawyer response, sounds like she doesn't have a lawyer because she said she had tried to call his lawyer to negotiate since she can't negotiate with him. Um, crazy, Mr. S's lawyer is only going to do what we tell him...that's why we pay him. STUPID!! Anyway, still no negotiation, so hopefully he gets a hearing scheduled on Monday sometime before Christmas. But, that's not the end of the story...oh no...there's more crazy. So the big kids were suppossed to have their Lego League tournament in Sioux City on Saturday (it was cancelled due to the snow and the interstate getting shut down). She was INSISTANT that she was picking up the boys at 5:45 in the morning, Mr. S called herselfish that she would do that to all of the boys when they didn't all have to get up. The little boys called their mom on Friday because they wanted to go with Mr S to butcher deer (why - I have no idea - so disgusting). She hemmed and hawed saying she had plans with them in the afternoon. So then we asked if she was going to the tournament and if she wasn't why didn't JrMrS just ride with me and JrMsS so he didn't have to get up so early. All of the sudden she agreed to the butchering and now she was going to Sioux City. Hmm...jealous that I was going to be with her son? Doesn't that seem REALLY weird? Ugh!

I have been so tired this weekend - last week was really busy/stressful at work. We had a lot of activities going on (kid's practices, Mr S's boss in town, the little kid's holiday concert, band meeting, etc). Then I only got about 4 hours on sleep Thursday night, Mr S got really sick in the middle of the night and I was worried about him so I didn't fall back asleep. Friday night we didn't get much sleep either because we thought we had to get up at 5:15 so that Crazy could pick JrMrS up. Because of the snow, she didn't and he also went with his dad to butcher deer. So I'm pretty much exhausted right now. I slept a little better last night and Mr. S let me stay home from wrestling today so I'm catching up I think.

Here's some cute pics of the kids getting ready for the concert on Wednesday

 She's so pretty (I think I'm going to look into modeling - what do you think?)
So handsome and cute 
 Had to let them do a funny one :)
The older kids had to do a presentation to the School Board for their Lego League tournament before the concert.

So, that's pretty much our week. Hopefully I can get things on the rails and get things done this week (yeah between kid's practices, the big kid's concert, court, work, a work dinner, etc)

Do you have trouble sometimes getting into a holiday spirit?


  1. Snowflake, my 28-year-old daughter and I were talking about the absence of the Christmas Spirit here in the Washington DC area. This is the first year that our large family has been unable to find it. We talked about how she and I separately have said "Merry Christmas" to strangers, but they seem to dislike it! This has never happened before this year.

    I know much about what is going on in our nation's capital (too much!) And there are VERY bad things happening in our government right now. It is possible that the Lord is withholding the Light of Christmas from us as a nation?

    Anyway, we wondered if this was happening only in DC. Evidently, it is happening in other places too.

    I wish you a good Christmas!

  2. Donna, I agree - it's a lot more places than within our inner circles. Yesterday I had a friend post that she was missing it too - she lives in AZ. It's so odd. Has our national fallen that far that God would withold it?'s a very sad, sad thought.
    Hope you have a wonderful Christmas!
