Saturday, September 4, 2010

100th Post!

I thought for my 100th post (yippee!!), I'd list 100 of my favorite things.

1. My husband, family and friends (listing all those people could be 100 by itself)
2. My wonderful children
3. Random hugs and kisses from my kids.
4. Holding hands
5. Slow dancing
6. Giggling (myself, kids, babies)
7. A fun date with my hubby
8. Christmas (all holidays but especially Christmas)
9. Parties
10. Having people over to the house
11. DVR
12. Romantic comedies
13. Trashy E! shows
14. Sex and the City
15. Anything with princesses
16. Musicals (and their soundtracks)
17. Being blown away by a great movie
18. New books
19. A good book
20. Twilight
21. Harry Potter
22. Oldies – but goodies
23. Finding my favorite song on the radio
24. Singing in the car
25. Rediscovering an old song I used to love and somehow forgot about
26. Shoes
27. An outfit that makes me feel pretty
28. Finding that one great perfume (stupid Victoria Secret and your seasonal scents)
29. Having a great hair day without much effort
30. Getting a new haircut
31. Super Target
32. The color PURPLE!!! (not like in the book or movie)
33. My stress relief lotion
34. Pedicures
35. Soft Pillows/bed
36. A nice, long, relaxing, steamy, hot shower
37. Looking at old pictures
38. Weddings
39. Babies
40. Porch swings
41. Summer
42. A warm fire on a cold night
43. Vacations
44. Lazy Sundays/Saturdays
45. A day off of work (even if I’m working from home)
46. Talking on the phone
47. Hearing from someone I never thought I’d hear from again (thank you, Facebook!)
48. Fast internet
49. Blogging
50. Reading other people's blogs
51. Having followers on my blog (and knowing that people read and like it)
52. My new phone and all of the new ways I’m going to be able to plug in (my husband hates it – but he loves it too)
53. Love notes
54. Getting flowers
55. Packages on the doorstep, especially unexpected ones.
56. Picking out special gifts for people I love
57. Finishing a hard workout
58. A great smelling candle
59. My husband grilling out and sitting on the patio watching the sun go down.
60. Mexican food
61. Eggees
62. Breakfast tacos
63. Jack in the Box
64. Movie theater popcorn
65. Ordering in pizza
66. Wine
67. Cold beer on a hot day
68. Colorado Bulldogs
69. Getting carded
70. A freshly clean house.
71. The end of laundry (at least for that day)
72. A productive day
73. Crossing things off the to-do list
74. Less weight on the scale
75. A good run (once I’m in shape)
76. When my cute (not fat) clothes fit
77. The beach
78. The ocean
79. That first warm spring morning when you walk outside in a jacket and realize you don’t need it.
80. When the sun is coming up or already up when I wake up in the morning for work.
81. When the sun is still up for hours after I get home from work.
82. The breeze that comes through the house when we get to leave the windows or deck door open.
83. Snow – in Colorado – while skiing.
84. The smell and sound of a nice spring rain.
85. Lightning
86. Watching the fireflies in the summer come out while sitting on the deck with my husband.
87. Snuggling by the fireplace
88. Sunshine
89. No traffic
90. Getting a garage parking spot at work
91. Watching my babies learn and grow (even though I want them to stay tiny)
92. Celebrating when they achieve something great
93. Sincerity
94. Unexpected good things
95. Knowing you did the right thing
96. Taking time to do something for me
97. Sharing a smile with a stranger
98. Finishing a big project and having the sense of a job well done
99. Brightening up someone’s day
100. Knowing that there are more than 100 things to be happy about

What makes you happy?

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