Saturday, November 13, 2010

When your time is up

We had something really sad happen in our community this week.

On Thursday there was a REALLY bad accident on Hwy 30 (the main road by our house). A grain truck and a car hit each other head on - the Hwy was closed for 6 hours and even when I went through at 5:30 they were still cleaning up. I had heard on the radio that the driver of the vehicle had died and since it was between Missouri Valley and Logan - I always have this thought that I hope it's no one I know.

Unfourtunately this time it was.

Kevin is a friend of Mr S's. He's maybe a coule years older, but still in his 30s. He had two children, 1 in 3rd grade that is a really good frind of LMS's and another in 5th, both JrMrS and JrMsS know him, JrMrS has played all of his sports with him and are friends. Apparrently the school kids found out before anything had been announced on the news. When the kids came home Thursday night we were a little side-swiped by thier worries about death. I was annoyed by the school - I know it's a small community - and I know they can't announce names of those that die until the families know, but the kids found out before me - so the fact that it was so close to us, I didn't have time to prepare.

LMS will now see this little girl-friend of hers go through the grief of her father's death. LMS is worried about what she's going to do with only one parent now. The girls know that people die, including kids and adults, but it's never been this close to us before.  How does a kid process this - she herself has had to deal with the loss of a parent, but at least she knows he's still alive. She cares SO much about her friends and this has really kind of hit hard. The funny thing is that just this week the girls and I watched Last Song and in that movie (sorry...spoiler alert) Miley's father dies. I was in tears, the girls were in tears. But not so much about the emotional story, they wanted to know what would happen if their dad died. The mom on that movie was crying about her ex-husband's death and when they asked if I'd cry when their dad died - I answered them truthfully - probably not, he's hurt me too much BUT I would be sad for them and would want to be there for them. And then for this to happen - does this fall too close?

For Mr. S and I though - it's hit us in other ways. It opens our eyes to our own mortality. I'm so freaked out about driving this road now. Of course I'll do it, but everytime I take that curve I will think of him. What is going to happen to our children if something like this happens to us so young? Obviously we have plans for them and life insurance, but how will our kids POSSIBLY live without us? Yes, in 10 years it would be easier for them, but right now we still have SO much to teach them and give to them - how does it just not get done in an instant? I know that if something happened, there are plenty of people to care for them, love them, and teach them, but it won't be the same - it won't be MY lessons and I won't get to see them gorw and mature. UGH!

Kevin was SUCH a wonderful father from what we saw. Why does this sort of thing happen to such good people? Why can't the bad dads be taken instead of leaving them here to hurt their children?

Kevin, you and your family are in the Snowflake family's thoughts and prayers. I'm SO sorry for your wife and children - Mr S and I will do whatever we can to help them out. God bless you and them.

If you're young, do you worry about this? If you're older - did you have this fear too?

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