Monday, September 20, 2010

A kid one day..(gulp)..a pre-teen the next..

We've been super busy around the Snowflake house lately.  Between work, work, and um..more work, starting our school schedule, the two Jr's sports and everything else, we've also been in a three week process with the kids purging and cleaning out rooms and then moving everyone around.  I'm SO glad it's over!!
The twin Snowflakes have officially moved into JrMrS's room (they've slept down there/played down there alost EVERY night since Mr. S built that room) and we've split the girls into their own rooms.
This weekend was our final chore - painting JrMsS's new room.  Changing it from a nursery to a pre-teens room was not as easy as I thought.  It was nice I was able to go shopping so soon after college dorm season - lots of clearance items. 
We started out Friday night sanding the ugly stencils (I hate stencils - the only good decision Mr S's stupid-butt ex ever did was not making the stenciling all bumpy) so we didn't have to do too much sanding.  Then the girls started taping the room while I went to work. 


Early Saturday we primed, finished taping, and put the first coat on.

The stencils disappeared after one coat :)
Saturday evening after work, my bestest sister came over and helped with the next coat.  We ran out of paint though :( In the morning we decided it was "good enough" though (seriously - DO NOT stencil and expecially DO NOT use a "yellow" paint - it's ugly and it'll piss off the new wife when she goes to re-paint your mess).  Sunday morning we started moving Jr.Ms.S in.

Her room looks so much more grown up :(
The funniest thing is that when I woke them up this morning they both mentioned how much better they slept last night - I totally thought it would be the opposite and they would have wanted to go sleep together again. I guess it was time, huh?
LMS loves having her own space and she got a few non-little girl things in her room too.
Remember this? Check out this closet!!
I'm really happy the girls have their own space now and the boys (at least the twins) are where they want to be.  I just feel like this is my slow walk towards losing my kids and then moving halfway (or all the way) across the country- it makes me sad.
What was a big milestone for you and your kids?

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