Monday, March 8, 2010

Happy Birthday to -- ME!

I'm finally ready for my thirties. I really, honestly, truly am. I'm not just saying that.

I read something a few weeks ago that said we have 3 segments in our lives divided by 30 years each. Our first 30 are our growing/child years – we learn what we need to grow and try to figure out what type of person we will be. When we turn 30, we spend 30 years in our adult years – we spend those years being the adult we’ve become and planning for a fabulous next 30 years. Those 30 years start when we turn 60, these are our Golden years – and hopefully they last much longer than 30 years (like my wonderful great grandma – you suck up those golden years lady!)

I was that person. That person who spent my whole 20's worrying about the big 30. It’s not me anymore. I've been embracing aging. And it's nice. It's a nice feeling. Not panic. Not regret. Just excitement and anticipation. I'm ready for this next chapter.

Good Morning, 30. I've been expecting you.
I've had a wonderful birthday weekend.  Mr. S bought me roses. (Please excuse the recap with no pictures - my laptop is broken so I have no way to download them).  He also gave me a really nice spa afternoon on Saturday and I got a pedicure and my hair all pretty again - It looks SO good. :)  Mr. S took me to Bonefish Saturday night - so yummy!

Yesterday I slept in (for like the first time in over a month!) and then we cleaned our garage - exciting huh? - and then I opened my presents from my parents, grandma, sister, brother and sister in law, and mother in law.  I have such a wonderful generous family.  (we have March b-days this coming weekend at Mr. S's other side of the family). 

Today I'm chilling out - not doing anything on my day off.  I even took the girls to school in my pjs - they liked that.

How do you like spending your birthday?

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday 2 days late! Way to go embracing it. I don't think I'll fret either about it. Right now I'm excited to age and grow, hopefully become a bit wiser ;) The only reason why I may fret would be if we're still trying to get pregnant 3 years from now!
