Wednesday, December 30, 2009

10 for 2010

I can’t believe this decade has flown by already. It’s been a roller coaster of a time the last 10 years. In the last ten years I've had two beautiful girls, experienced my first marriage falling apart and had a divorce, made 3 major moves (AZ to KS, KS to NE, NE to IA - I NEVER saw myself in the midwest growing up), started two great jobs and lost one of them, bought my own house, and I met a WONDERFUL new guy, married him and also gained three stepsons.  I guess those are the “highlights” of the decade in our corner of the world.

It’s time to start thinking about the New Year and new decade coming up.

To start, I need to get organized (see #1), so I’m copying another person’s blog and listing my 10 for 2010.

1. I need to be more organized. Not only with lists and keeping my calendars up to date, but also in my house. I still have wedding boxes sitting in the mechanical room that need to be sorted (I also still have not cleaned my wedding dress). I have boxes sitting in the office that need to go to goodwill and others that just need to be thrown away since I haven’t unpacked them since moving. I have stuff in storage that I need to get rid of (If you notice a pattern - I’m a packrat). That’s just the start of it I guess – I’m sure I can find other places I need to organize (like my closet, my office at work, etc.).

2. I want to spend my time wiser, slow down, and find some time for me. Not necessarily so that it interferes with the kids and Mr. S, but maybe 4 times a year, I can go and get a mani/pedi, or go out for a girls afternoon/evening. I need to slow down and spend my time wiser so I’m not so stressed out all the time.

3. I want to be more grateful/thankful for what I have and the people in my life.

4. I would like to visit my grandmother and great-grandmother and other family in CA. I have not seen my great-grandmother since 2003 and my grandmother since 2008. I don’t know how much longer I have with these wonderful women and since they can’t travel to me, I really need to make an effort to go see them.

5. I want to learn more recipes and cook more often and more healthy for my family. I’ve mentioned before that I love using the Kraft Foods site, but I need to stop being so spur of the minute and learn how to cook a little better for my kids and husband (especially if I want to lose weight). When we’re running like mad from one activity to the next we eat really bad and cut a lot of corners. I need to do better.

6. I want to pay down debt. Not that I’m in a bad situation, but between the wedding, my house not selling, hiring a lawyer, not being paid child support, and other expenses this year I’m just not in a great place if something were to happen to my job or if I couldn’t work. I’d feel a lot better if the debt was paid down (and really great if I could get my house sold).

7. Lose weight. Obviously a top one for most people this time of year. In 2007 I did great and lost almost 50 pounds. Since then I’ve gained some back and ever since the wedding I’ve become flat out lazy about exercising. I need to get back on track. I just need to figure out how. Maybe a good goal is for 5 pounds a month until I’m happy with myself. The biggest hurdle though is to keep it off for good.

8. I want to plan a great first anniversary and gift for Mr. S. I have a few ideas in mind, but since I don’t know whether he reads this or not, I’ll keep that under wraps for now.

9. I want to play with my kids more and enjoy them being young. After looking over my first paragraph above, I’ve seen how fast time has flown and how busy I’ve been to not always enjoy them as much as I should. I’d like to coach some of their activities – maybe the three little ones soccer team this spring (if I run with them, then I get extra points for the exercise).

10. I want to improve my “wifey” skills. I want him to want to be home with me every night, even when he can’t. I want to re-establish date night. Maybe we could start dancing lessons and not only get some exercise together, but also do something very physical together. I want to be all that Mr. S needs and wants.

So that’s my 10 for 2010, what are your 10?

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