Wednesday, December 9, 2009


I've never taken a snow day before, so actually taking one yesterday was a huge thing for me.  Growing up in AZ you don't get these, along with no tornado drills and many other things my kids do living in the midwest.  Although it wasn't horrible first thing in the morning, it was only going to get worse through the day.
Mr. S went out deer hunting, so the girls and I had a fun snow day together.  We got up, ate breakfast and watched all the weather reports.  After breakfast the girls suited up and decided to play outside.  Not me, I nested into the couch next to the fireplace with my laptop and something warm to drink.  They had a wonderful time outside, I was totally surprised that they stayed out for over 3 and a half hours!  I kept asking them if they wanted to come in, but they were having a ball make a snow fort and sledding down our hills. 

(Don't ask me what the beach umbrella was for - silly girls)

(Silly JrMsS was running around without her hat)
I finally bribed them in with hot chocolate and soup.  We hung out and watched movies together in the afternoon and made a yummy dinner for when Mr. S got home. 

It was a good day.  I can't wait for the next one (I should have taken today too since we're still under a blizzard warning, but I made Mr. S drive me in since our internet at home is down right now - I can only take one day of being cut off from the world.)
What's your favorite snow day activity?

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