Friday, January 22, 2010

What did the pioneer children do?

Today is the 6th “snow day” in three weeks for my kids. They’ve been back to school three weeks since the Christmas holiday and have only attended 8.5 days (and only one day this week). Due to the ice storm we had Wednesday, the ice covered gravel/county roads and power being out to half the county still, they cancelled school again today (and it only took me two tries to get out of my slick driveway this morning – yay!).

Since this is the ninth snow day for the year (they had three in December), they will now have to start losing other planned days off (like teacher days and conference days). If we get even more bad weather during the rest of Jan-March (which is typically when snow days are spent), they’ll have to extend the school year. Now I know all my friends back in AZ would have loved to have this as a kid, but seriously…what did pioneer children do?

Even 20 years ago, the roads were not as well maintained and we didn’t have as good of vehicles as we do now, so what did those kids do? Did they all miss this much school?

I don’t know… maybe it’s because I NEVER had a snow day when I was growing up, but this schedule – or lack there of – seems horrible for kids.

P.S. – Sun please come back – we have not seen your shining face in OVER A WEEK! I miss you.

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