Wednesday, January 6, 2010

101 in 1001 Challenge

The Mission:
Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.

The Criteria:
Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on my part).

Why 1001 Days?
Many people have created lists in the past – frequently simple goals such as New Year’s resolutions. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organizing and timing some tasks such as overseas trips or outdoor activities.

Start date: Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Complete date: Thursday, October 3, 2012

Items in bold are completed
Items in italics are miracles in progress

Going Places
(001) Visit family in Arizona
(002) Visit family in California
(003) Go on a cruise
(004) Go to see Wicked the Musical with my daughters
(005) See another Broadway play
(006) Visit a National Park
(007) Go horseback riding
(008) Take the kids to a real sporting event (Chief’s Game, Bowl Game, etc.)
(009) Take all the kids to the beach
(010) Take a mother daughter trip
(011) Take a trip alone with Mr. S

Getting My Learn On
(012) Learn Photoshop
(013) Learn Illustrator
(014) Learn how to set up my own website/blog
(015) Learn something new that pertains to my job

Being Creative
(016) Buy an SLR camera
(017) Photograph 1 view in all 4 seasons (0/4)
(018) Print pictures to display in frames around the house
(019) Create or buy art for above our bed
(020) Create a Shutterfly book for Mr. S’s grandparents and order the rest of the pictures they requested.

Wedded Bliss
(021) Have sex at least 25 days out of 30 – or at least have fun trying to reach the goal (0/25).
(022) Surprise Mr S with something romantic
(023) Have a dinner date with my husband once a month (0/33)
(024) Finish legally changing my name
(025) Plan really special anniversary celebrations and gifts (0/3)
(026) Convince Mr. S to call in for a day and spend it together with no kids

Business and Money
(027) Pay off my Chase credit card
(028) Pay off my car
(029) Clip coupons and use them for one month
(030) Make more money in 2010 than I did in 2009
(031) Make more money in 2011 than I did in 2010
(032) Make more money in 2012 than I did in 2011
(033) Add $10 to a vacation savings account for every completed task (0/101)
(034) Write new wills
(035) Sell items on eBay, Craig’s List, etc. that I’ve been meaning to
(036) Get a free credit report and close any dormant accounts
(037) Sell my Omaha house
(038) Get a second job (temporarily to catch up)

Get Healthy/Personal Improvement / Because I deserve it
(039) Lose the rest of the weight I want to lose (30lb at least) (0/30)
(040) Eat fruit everyday for a week (0/7)
(041) Run a mile under 10 minutes
(042) Complete the 30-Day Shred (0/30)
(043) Take a boot camp class and stick with it
(044) Complete Couch to 5k
(045) Take a dance class
(046) Become CPR and First Aid certified
(047) Stop biting my nails
(048) Learn to put on makeup well and wear makeup out somewhere.
(049) Wear a bikini again and feel comfortable in it.
(050) Assemble a kit for the car with first aid items and items for getting stuck in the stupid snow.
(051) Take a very girly bubble bath three times (0/3)
(052) Get a new wardrobe as a reward for reaching my goal weight
(053) Write letters to five people I know letting them know how much they mean to me (0/5)
(054) Do or buy something ridiculous (IMO) for my birthday
(055) Identify 25 things I like about myself (0/25)
(056) Identify 100 things that make me happy (0/100)
(057) Talk to my sister on a long phone call to catch up at least once a month (0/33)
(058) Ski a Blue trail gracefully top to bottom

(059) Host 10 game nights (0/10)
(060) Have a dinner party
(061) Start a Bunco/game/cards group
(062) Plan a surprise birthday party
(063) Read 10 non-fiction books (0/10)
(064) Read 10 new books of my own choosing (0/10)
(065) Go to a concert at the Qwest center
(066) Take a wine tasting class
(067) Go wine tasting
(068) Watch all of AFI’s top 100 movies
(069) Watch all 12 seasons of ER (0/12)

Domestic Goddess
(070) Learn how to cook 10 nice dinners well. (0/10)
(071) Bake something once a month for a year (0/12)
(072) Get blinds/curtains for the downstairs family room
(073) Grow kitchen herbs
(074) Paint our bedroom and bathroom
(075) Redecorate at least one other room in our house.
(076) Find a personally inspirational quote and work it into a piece of art or home decor
(077) Get to know our neighbors
(078) Bake Christmas goodies for neighbors
(079) Mail Christmas Cards out before Christmas
(080) Cook and host a holiday meal at home

Building Family
(081) Get a professional photo of the kids each year (0/3)
(082) Do 10 super fun, out-of-the-ordinary things with or for the kids that they aren’t expecting (0/10)
(083) Teach LMS how to tie her shoes
(084) Coach at least one of the kid’s sports teams
(085) Talk to the kids about family traditions they want to start
(086) Start doing family traditions.

(087) Organize my paperwork
(088) Sort the black hole known as “my closet”
(089) Purge my closet once a year (0/3)
(090) Sort out the Hall closets
(091) Sort our Bathroom cabinet
(092) Organize my office at work
(093) On day 1001 publish a new 101 in 1001 list
(094) Buy a new laptop
(095) Get another external hard drive
(096) Back up photos, music, and other information regularly

Good Will
(097) Give things to Goodwill at least three times (0/3)
(098) Do a volunteer project with kids
(099) Donate blood four times (0/4)
(100) Donate $10 to a charity for every goal not completed
(101) Volunteer for more activities at the Shrine

Do you have a 101 in 1001 list?

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