Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Busy, busy Snowflakes

As I wrote in my break-down post last night, it’s been a really busy week and a half around the Snowflake household. Here are a few highlights:

Last weekend, Mr. Snowflake asked his mom to babysit the girls so that we could finally have a date night. It was nice to have a few hours of time just to us; it’s been too long since we had an evening to ourselves. We caught a matinee showing of Sherlock Holmes (very good movie) and used some gift cards we got for Christmas and had drinks and dinner at Olive Garden (yum!).

Sunday there was another wrestling tournament for the boys. The annoying part though was that Mr. S’s ex had the boys (we should have taken a vacation day) and so not only did they come with not enough time to warm up and prepare for matches, but then she let Twin Snowflake 1 decide he didn’t want to wrestle. He was afraid of throwing up – we have no idea where he got that idea, but his mom is a flake so she didn’t want to argue with him. Jr.Mr.S did pretty well and got 2nd place. TS2 got first place (I’m sure his big brother loved that his younger did better).

This is what the girls do during matches - Hang out and eat snacks.

Last week was busy. Between work and Mr. S being out of town for work, I had a lot on my plate. Then Jr.Ms.S got strep throat which took her out of school for three days…grrr. Once she got going on the medicine though, she was doing a lot better. Because my PTO balance is so low and because it is so crazy at work, it was a real pain in the butt to work from home. So, for the first time ever I left her home alone on Thursday while I went to work. We’ve left her for a few hours before when we’ve been close by, but never as far as Omaha – my baby is growing up. It’s like one of those steps you go through as they grow (leave them the first time at daycare, leave them the first time at school, leave them the first time overnight or for a vacation, leave them for the first time at home alone…yikes!). She did pretty good, but when she got too bored of being alone she called Mr. S’s grandfather (they live at the bottom of our hill) and she went over there for the afternoon to play cards.

Mr. S made it home Thursday night, but then had to leave again on Friday for the day. We had all of the kids for the weekend, he took care of haircuts for the boys and picking up rent at his *@#& renter’s house. Saturday morning we tackled cleaning the house, making some small repairs around the house, and grocery shopping. Saturday afternoon I worked on some dishes for Sunday and a new recipe for Chicken and Dumplings, it was really yummy – even *most* of the kids liked it.
Yes - It really does take 3 six year olds to mop a floor - One to do it and the other two to criticize and supervise.
LMS helping with banana pudding
Chicken cooking
Southwestern puree added to give it a KICK
Shredded Chicken
The end result after we had already eaten half the pot.

Sunday we had one more Christmas with some of Mr. S’s extended family. It was a madhouse – 16 great/grandchildren running around!
Yes, if you count there's only 15, but the baby was sleeping.

Whew! Busy! Too bad we don’t have good holidays at work (only 7 a year!), so we didn’t get a three-day weekend like some people.

Did you get a long weekend this week? What have you and your family been up to lately?

P.S. – things did work out last night, I was pretty low when I wrote that and just needed to let out some steam (as well as leave my feeling up on the screen so that Mr. S would “accidently” read them). He didn’t realize how I was feeling and how overwhelming it’s been for me with him gone, both physically and emotionally. We were able to make up before going to sleep. It sucks he’s gone again for a few days.

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