Thursday, December 30, 2010

Top 10 of 2010

This year has had a lot of ups and downs - a lot more "downs" than we really were expecting unfortunately. We're hoping for a MUCH better 2011.

For a positive note - these are my top 10 of 2010 (in no particular order):
 #1 - I became an aunt (again).
I've been an aunt for over a year now, but little Tristan was extra special because it means my kids have "grandchild" competition on my side now. He's such a cutie pie.

#2 - Our first Valentines Celebration as a couple was really sweet. Pretty toned down (and we had to spend the actual day at a wrestling tournament), but it was really nice.

#3 - Coaching LMS's soccer team was very special for me. I loved that time with her and I was able to push her more than maybe another parent would have. It was so exiting to see her excel.

#4 - My new job at my main work. I LOVE my work (overall). Everyday is a new challenge and every project is so different - it's fun to look forward to what's next - even if it is hard work.

#5 - Speaking of work, I'm very proud of my accomplishments this year. I've won 4 awards for my hard work - it's nice that other people can see how much I pour myself into it (and the extra little bonuses are nice too).

#6 - My Wyoming trip. It was HARD work and a VERY LONG week, but I had a BLAST doing it - I REALLY hope we win the contract again next year. It was also super nice because for the most part it was the only trip I took this year - we've really been vacation deprived this year :(

#7 - New Rooms for the girls. I was really excited that we were able to do this for them. They really needed their own space and the added benefit of shopping and decorating was a bonus :)

#8 - Mr. S's cousin's wedding. It really was a blast. I loved helping plan her shower and help at the wedding - even if I found out the hard way that wine slushies are NOT good for you.

This is why you don't do a cake smash grooms!! I get more action than you do on your wedding night.

#9 - Celebrating our first Anniversary - again, another tamed down celebration, but very nice. I'm sure we'll have PLENTY of time for more exciting celebrations for our anniversary.

#10 - I had a hard time chosing highlights - I had several really special relaxation days/times with my husband and kids - so my #10 will be a combination of those special times. I'm hoping that even in our "flurried" life, we find more time next year for more of these.

What are your top ten?

Growing Pains

One of the few childhood tourtures I didn't have to experience was braces (probably should have - but it just never happened). JrMsS wasn't as fourtunate, she got her braces put on yesterday - so the 913 day countdown begins (she has to wear them for 2.5 years!) At least she'll be out of them by 8th grade and she'll get to enjoy her teens with a (even more) beautiful smile.
She did REALLY well. We're talking about a kid who at one point had to be STRAPPED to the chair for a filling. From then on - I decided we're going to knock her butt out when she needs dental procedures. This was simple and mostly painless - I was really surprised since I've always heard how much they hurt. She's complained about a little bit of tooth pain - but she hasn't been overly dramatic about it or anything. I'm so proud of her.

Monday, December 27, 2010

A snowy Snowflake Christmas

We've had a very busy few days around the Snowflake house over the long weekend.

Our Christmas celebration technically began on Wednesday night, Mr. S and the girls and I went out for a quiet dinner and I got my x-mas present from him - a new digital camera!! Yeah more (better) pictures!!!

Thursday I was off, but spent most of the day cleaning and wrapping a MILLION gifts - okay, not that many, but enough to have to run into town for tape!
If it was up to Mr. S, this is how everyone would get their gifts..
Thursday evening, right as the snow was beginning, my parents arrived safe and sound. Yay!

Friday morning, Mr. S went and got the boys, my mom and I started baking/cooking, and the kids played in the snow...

 Playing with the Panoramic setting...

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Facebook is not how you communicate!

Really? Facebook is not how grown adults communicate? Has this not been what I've said for the last year when that is the only way that my stupid ex would communicate with me?

Yesterday the girls were supposed to see their dad yesterday, at least if he had let me know he would actually show up. A week ago he asked what time on Wed he could see them and I said "7:30?" Does that not warrent a "okay, great", "sounds good", "can we meet a different time"? In normal grown up world I would say it does.

Tuesday afternoon (12:50) I wrote him to ask him to let me know if he was actually going to met me or not. I got no response from him, so Wednesday morning (5:45 am) I wrote to tell him I wasn't going to bring them since he hadn't answered me.

At 11:30 am, he wrote to give me his phone numbers (finally) and to tell me facebook is not how you communicate! Wow! Let me point out what is wrong with this email...

First, the email was written at 11:30, we were suppossed to meet at 7:30. If I had missed the emails and then expected him to meet me, I would have been all over his ass at 7:35. In his case, he doesn't say a word for FOUR hours!!

Second, HE was the one to communicate with me this way. I've had the same cell phone number for the last 6 years. I've had the same personal email address for 5 years and have worked at the same company for the last 3 years with all it's multiple ways to get a hold of me. In the last few years, he's had several jobs, his phone disconnected multiple times, moved about four times at least, etc. He's unstable to be able to get a hold of (not that I want to). So, if he wanted to communicate in a GROWN UP way with me...he had MULTIPLE options - HE chose this medium.

I'm not angry - I won and it feels good. The girls didn't see him, I didn't have to see him and deal with him, and I have the upper hand and he sees that and is PISSED. Winning is great....

Do you have to deal with ignorant people like this?

Monday, December 20, 2010

The week of ups and downs

This has been the week of ups and downs. I'm not really sure why, but it has.

Monday we finally broke the Ice Princess (Mr. S's ex) and she agreed to let him have part of his weekend, to take them to his mom's Christmas and to let him have the boys Dec. 27-30. So at least we won't be going to court of that (at least not for now). He agreed to only having to pay for half of JrMrS's instrument (she didn't make us pay for the whole thing like we offered), so it was REALLY great news. But, I said it's the week of ups and downs...

About an hour after we got that news, my mom sent me an email about my dad's most recent dr visit. I have complained and complained about my last two months of being sick and hurt, but this is a man that has Type II diabetes, high blood pressure, went through heart bypass surgery, had toes amputated, thyroid surgery, etc, in other words he's been very sick and very hurt for a lot longer than I was/am. He has more challenges ahead unfortunately...he was told he only has about 25% functionality of his kidneys. He's going to have to start making even more life changes to his health and will have dialysis in the future. My dad has always been there for me, even when I've done really bad and awful things. He's my biggest cheerleader and I honestly don't know what I'd do without him. There's still a lot of tests to be done, but it was not good news.

Tuesday Jr. Ms S and Jr Mr S had their holiday concert. I just can't believe how much they've grown up.

Yes - the guy in front of me is wearing a "do" rag ;P

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Missing my Christmas Spirit

I'm not really sure what it is, but I just cannot find it this year. Is it the lack of time? The lack of gift ideas for my friends and family? Getting over being sick/hurt? All of the ex crap? Just stress from work, kids, life? I'm not really sure.

We have been REALLY busy, we are constantly running from one thing to the next. Last night the stars aligned and Mr. S and I FINALLY got to have a date night. Our last one was so long ago, I can't even remember. Between kids things, working, etc, we just haven't had time (and probably won't again for a while). It's really sad...when did life become this hectic whirlwind? We had a nice night, regardless of the frightful drive home and back in the blizzard, a nice dinner and I got to watch HP7 - I'm such a Pot-head.

I know everyone is trying to get through this difficult economy and a lot of people aren't in the best place, but I can't remember the last time I've had such a depressing Christmas. I have no ideas for my husband, my kids, my family. I have three people done out of my list and that it! It's the middle of December and I'm no where close to getting everything done. No one will give me ideas either and I think that's what makes it the hardest. I have too much on my plate right now to be super-creative. I'm PLEASE give me ideas!!

Luckly, I am getting better health-wise. My muscle is almost healed (part of it is still tight and sticking out - yuck!) and my cough is just an infrequent annoyance now. I've met my sick quota for the year, right? Next time I promise to listen to everyone - I'm playing the baby and getting the rest I need.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Blogging in a blizzard

So I was going to write today about the action this last week, but I have "maybe" a more exciting topic.
As I've said before, mr.s and I seriously need some time together. Well, since his ex is being the most craziest person in the world and we don't have the boys as planned, my sister happened to be off so we have a sitter for the girls, I didn't have to work the second job tonight and we had a free date night in gift cards to use - we chose to make it a romantic night. Well until the blizzard of 2010 hit (hear me mother nature? We don't get more!)
All day I stressed about the snow and driving in whiteouts all day (seriously its so bad the interstate is closed). Mr s insists we'll be fine as long as I'm not having a panic attack every 2 seconds.
So I'm blogging in a blizzard, keeping my eyes off the road, and praying for the freaking wind to stop.
How desparate have you ever been for a date?

Monday, December 6, 2010

A Snowflake Update

I've been trying to avoid anymore negative posts. Things in many ways have improved, especially on the health side - other things are not so good...I guess such is life - you get the good and the bad. As the book I'm currently reading states "it's all about what you focus on though" (RAPT). So for an update..

To start with the good...I'm feeling MUCH better. I'm still coughing some and part of my herniated rib is still...herniated..but so much better now. The long Thanksgiving weekend (and my muscle relaxers prescribed by the urgent care doctor) aided so much in that. I really appreciate that my husband finally saw that I needed the time and my sister was such a big help with my obligation to get the house decorated for Christmas for the kids.

I think that mine and Mr. S's marriage is more on track again. We needed focus (again...focus on that which is most important to your life), we NEED date nights and I think we're getting there - we're going to take the time to focus on each other and close out the "bad" or "stressful" that consumes us. I think that for the last few weeks we've both been much more happy with where we're at together and that's a good thing.

Also good...the girls and I got to spend the weekend together and had a lot of fun together. Mr. S and the boys were all deer hunting this weekend, so we spent Saturday shopping and going to lunch. I was SUPPOSED to be Christmas shopping, but I think I spent more money on buying the girls new clothes and LMS's fish. So, needless to say..I'm WAY behind on Christmas shopping. Sunday we spent most of the day watching movies and catching up on Glee together. Such a nice relaxing weekend. Now I need to find Mr. S something else to hunt so we get more "girls" weekends and less wrestling matches :)

Speaking of LMS's fish - we had a death in the family...Taylor Fish..our beta from Mr. S's cousin's wedding in June died. LMS was SO distraught last Sunday, but by Monday she was ready to flush him with the promise of a new fish this weekend. We've welcomed two new members to the family, Goldie and Firey, a couple of large fan tail goldfish. So, a happy/sad story.

For the bad..hmm..where to start...