Monday, March 19, 2012

2011-12 Basketball Wrap-up

Another sports' season over! JrMsS's team finished their season with a tournament in Harlan at the end of January. I made team cupcakes!

2012 State Wrestling

This was the first year we've gone to State wrestling. It was quite a learning experience for us, but now that we have one year under our belt, we'll be a lot more prepared for the coming years (I'm sure we'll be there MANY more times if Mr S has his way).

We drove out to Des Moines on Friday afternoon, while Mr S and JrMrS went with a group of people to the weigh-ins, I took the kids to the pool (LMS didn't go with us this year - she stayed with a friend and played her basketball game).

They look like they're having fun :)

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Valentines Day

We didn't do anything too extravagant for Valentines Day this year. We only really had a time for a few projects, some gifts for the kids and an early Valentines Day dinner for Mr S (he wasn't with us for Valentines Day).

Valentines Project #1: Hanging Hearts

I'm not really sure where I got the inspiration for this one, must have been a REALLY boring day with Mr S gone.
Step 1 - cut out cardboard hearts.

Another Birthday

They come every year, but it still always surprises me when it comes. So...I'm another year older and hopefully wiser than a year ago.

My group at work was really sweet...although I got in to the office before 6 am on my birthday (had to go to a bunch of meetings out of town that day), my group had my desk all decorated and presents on my desk. I work with the best group of people :)

Mr S got me a really sweet card....

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Catching up...again

We've been super busy the last month +, there really has been NO TIME for blogging. But we're in a lull now with sports and activities (for us - I'm sure many people would still think our schedule is insane), so I thought I'd spend the time catching everyone up.
  1. We finished up basketball for the girls yesterday with our final tournament
  2. We finished wrestling for the boys last weekend with two trips to State Championship Wrestling
  3. We celebrated Valentines and did a couple of projects.
  4. and we celebrated my birthday this week :P
We also have a had a few other odds and ends over the last month.

  • Mr S FINALLY finished his heavy traveling for work. He was gone most of January and February on various projects and conferences. I'm SO glad to have him back. It's really tough to not have him here. While he was gone, I did a few fun things with the kids (at least when the boys were around - they stayed with their mom a lot when Mr S is gone).
We did Movie Night a few times...
We also had "make your own pizzas" dinner...
(bad picture, but the only one I have all of them in)
  • Jr. Ms S now has contacts! She's going up so fast into such a pretty young lady.
So cute :)
  • We've only had two storms this winter that warranted pulling out the snow blower. Its been such a WEIRD winter and now we're starting off a pretty violent spring (1st ever recorded tornado in NE in February). One of Mr S's trips required him to come home in a bad blizzard. I was upset that he drove all night and pushed it to get home in bad weather, but he was right in that if he hadn't, the interstate would have shut down on him and he would have been stuck.

(You notice how ALL of these are taken inside - it was ICY!)

The snow ended early this day and Mr S's grandfather came up and cleared our road with his tractor so we could get out and go for dinner at Fernando's - unfortunately...the road was still too snowy (and icy) that we couldn't make it back up the hill. We ended up walking (which I guess is good for us since we had a HUGE YUMMY dinner to burn off)
  • My sister's job: Sadly, my sister's old company was morons and decided to lay her off (stupid!). The good thing is that my company is AWESOME and she has now been hired in another department there. So, although we're quite separated, we still are close enough to have lunch every once in a while, she has much better benefits, and now she has a reasonable schedule that allows her to actually do stuff in the daylight hours.
What have you been up to the last month?