Monday, September 20, 2010

A kid one day..(gulp)..a pre-teen the next..

We've been super busy around the Snowflake house lately.  Between work, work, and um..more work, starting our school schedule, the two Jr's sports and everything else, we've also been in a three week process with the kids purging and cleaning out rooms and then moving everyone around.  I'm SO glad it's over!!
The twin Snowflakes have officially moved into JrMrS's room (they've slept down there/played down there alost EVERY night since Mr. S built that room) and we've split the girls into their own rooms.
This weekend was our final chore - painting JrMsS's new room.  Changing it from a nursery to a pre-teens room was not as easy as I thought.  It was nice I was able to go shopping so soon after college dorm season - lots of clearance items. 

Saturday, September 4, 2010

100th Post!

I thought for my 100th post (yippee!!), I'd list 100 of my favorite things.

1. My husband, family and friends (listing all those people could be 100 by itself)
2. My wonderful children
3. Random hugs and kisses from my kids.
4. Holding hands
5. Slow dancing
6. Giggling (myself, kids, babies)
7. A fun date with my hubby
8. Christmas (all holidays but especially Christmas)
9. Parties
10. Having people over to the house

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

How we celebrated our first wedding anniversary

I've always know Mr. S and I weren't the normal couple.  We're super laid back, comfortable with ourselves and we have FIVE kids - so there's not a whole lot of US time.  The day after our wedding, Mr. S was all about packing up and leaving the lake so he could get home to mow (so romantic).  Our whole honeymoon I kept having to make comments about the other honeymooners (as well as anniversary people) and how sweet they looked and how un-newlywed we looked. 
In May, for our first anniversary, we started planning a weekend trip to Kansas City - it would have been our FIRST night/weekend alone since our honeymoon.  Yes, it wasn't what we had pictured a year ago - but it was something for us.  About a week ago Mr. S cancelled it all (we can't afford it, we don't have anyone to watch the kids, etc.).  I made a deal that if he could sell our football tickets, then yes, we wouldn't go, but if he didn't, then we'd keep the trip (we did have money - why else would I have busted butt in Wyoming? we did have people to watch the kids - there is know reason we couldn't have gone).  Of course the VERY next day he got rid of the tickets :(
So, our first anniversary was spent running to sports for the kids, working (both of us), him mowing the yard, and we got to go to dinner on Sunday evening.  Of course, we thought we'd get to come home from that dinner and have some "alone time", but no, his grandparents stuck around to watch the end of Enchanted (really?) and eat wedding cake.  I'm totally appreciative that they watched the girls for us, but it was just kind of awkward.  Oh well...