Friday, March 26, 2010

Fill in the Blank Friday

Fill in the Blank Friday is happening once again over at Life of a Busy Wife. Here are my answers to this weeks questions:

1. The best piece of advice I was ever given was it's okay to screw up, as long as you work you hardest and learn from the screw up.

2. If I had a million dollars to give to one charity I would give it to St. Judes Hospital.

3. If I got to choose my "last meal" it would be lots and lots of Mexican food.

4. My hair is kind of blah today.

5. If at first you don't succeed try, try again. I believe that everyone has their own special talents, and you can't succeed at everything you try, as long as you give it your best that is all that matters to me.

6. I have always wanted to travel around the world and see other places.

7. Oh...and by the way I want to know why some people get all the chances in the world - even though they're screw-ups, but if you work hard and are a good person, you get walked all over.

How would you fill in the blanks?

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Sporty Weekend

As bad as last weekend started, this one started that good.

First of all, on Friday afternoon I was notified that I got a new position at work (and a raise). 

That evening I met Mr. S and the kids at the batting cages (I can't believe that we're getting ready for baseball/softball - we haven't even started soccer yet!).

(TS1) - we only have one batting helmet right now, so the boys had to wear pink :)

Friday, March 19, 2010

Fill in the Blank Friday

Fill in the Blank Friday is happening once again over Life of a Busy Wife. Here are my answers to this weeks questions:

1. Today I am wearing my pink company polo shirt (that I freaking spilled some of my lunch on – grr) and grey pants.

2. My favorite childhood food was Italian food and my favorite food now is um…just about anything that’s bad for me (Mexican food, pizza, Italian food, chips, etc).

3 A day that I am too busy to eat all day (ugh – that happened a couple days this week) is a day that I am too busy. This was kind of a lame question, eh?

4. The last movie I saw was Did you hear about the Morgans? on netflix and the next movie I want to see is I’m not sure – a lot of them – I saw the commercial for Ghost Writer this morning, but I probably won’t see it until it hits Netflix :(.

5. My favorite smell is a clean house with the windows open and the breeze blowing in because it makes me feel so relaxed.

6. A weird little quirk I have is – I’m not sure – maybe my husband knows my weird quirks – at least he loves me enough to put up with them too.

7. When I take personality quizzes they always say I’m an organizer and that I’m not very outgoing/shy.

How would you fill in the blanks?

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Happy Birthday Jr.Ms.Snowflake!

My sunshine.

Jr. Ms. S...
my curious...
Carefree Jr. Ms. S ...
is ten. 10!!!
J, you truly are an amazing child.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Happy Birthday Jr.Mr. Snowflake!

I haven’t known you all of your life, but I’m proud to be your step-mom. You are an amazing young man. I have NO IDEA how you turned into a young man (you were so little when I met you). I think you’ll grow into a wonderful man, just like your father, if you stay on this track. And I think that no matter what you decide to do when you grow up, whether it be a lawyer, mechanical engineer, or any of the other professions you’ve talked about, you’ll be great (although you do need to work on your arguing skills – even if your dad hates it when you and I get started - it’s practice for the future, right?) But for now, enjoy your day; enjoy entering this new phase in your life and the extra digit in your age.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Flurry of a Weekend

We had another busy weekend around the Snowflake house.

After the frustrating day on Friday, we at least got to relax at home that evening. Mr. S brought home dinner (love that I didn’t have to cook) and we spent the evening relaxing and watching Up in the Air (very good movie) and the kids hung out and watched Star Wars downstairs.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Frustrating Day

I apologize for the long rant today, I just need to put my feelings somewhere and maybe others will understand my frustration with my ex husband. 

To my (ex) family (although I will always think of you as my family), I'm not trying to hurt you with this and I know you raised him to not be this way - like I said, I'm only getting my feelings out and maybe helping someone else if they have ex issues like mine.

Yesterday was a really frustrating and emotional day for me.  I've been really passive about my ex for a lot of reasons.  One, because it was just easier to ignore him since he wasn't interested in making an effort to spend time with the girls.  Two, because when we fight - it gets nasty and I didn't want to have to deal with that.  And three, well, I just DIDN'T want to deal with him - I've moved on to a WONDERFUL husband and stepfather to the girls and I don't want to go back and deal with him if I don't have to. 

Friday, March 12, 2010

Fill in the Blank Friday

Fill in the Blank Friday is happening once again over at life of a busy wife. Here are my answers to this weeks questions:

1. The best day ever was the day my children were born, the day Mr. S asked me to marry him, our wedding day.

2. My favorite meal of the day is dinner because – I’m not really sure – just because it seems to be the only one I’m not rushing through or eating at my desk.

3. This weekend we have basketball practice, a wrestling tournament, drill team practice, March birthdays, and if I get around to it I need to go grocery shopping and clean my house – along with a million other things I’m sure.

4. Never in my life have I been so happy I got a divorce than I did this morning. 

5. The only thing better than being at home is being at home with nothing to do but relax and snuggle with the family.

6. I could really do with some sort of stress reliever – ugh, after this morning I wanted to kick a cat I was so frustrated.

7. The most recent thing I bought myself was socks – so exciting, huh?.

How would you fill in the blanks?

Monday, March 8, 2010

Happy Birthday to -- ME!

I'm finally ready for my thirties. I really, honestly, truly am. I'm not just saying that.

I read something a few weeks ago that said we have 3 segments in our lives divided by 30 years each. Our first 30 are our growing/child years – we learn what we need to grow and try to figure out what type of person we will be. When we turn 30, we spend 30 years in our adult years – we spend those years being the adult we’ve become and planning for a fabulous next 30 years. Those 30 years start when we turn 60, these are our Golden years – and hopefully they last much longer than 30 years (like my wonderful great grandma – you suck up those golden years lady!)

I was that person. That person who spent my whole 20's worrying about the big 30. It’s not me anymore. I've been embracing aging. And it's nice. It's a nice feeling. Not panic. Not regret. Just excitement and anticipation. I'm ready for this next chapter.

Good Morning, 30. I've been expecting you.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Fill in the Blank Friday

Fill in the Blank Friday is happening once again over at Life of a Busy Wife. Here are my answers to this weeks questions:

1. One thing I MUST do before I die is visit Europe or Bora Bora – I’m not picky, just want to do some world traveling.

2. I would rather sleep in and have a good weekend day than have to get up early and fight with the kids to get ready and out the door any day.

3. If I could give my younger self one piece of advice it would be listen to the advice others give you, don’t be so hard headed that you think you know what’s best.

4. If I won the lottery tomorrow I'd buy our dream house, new cars, pay off a bunch of bills, take a WONDERFUL vacation with the kids. I would also donate some to charity and invest the rest for our future.

5. The best surprise ever was finding out I was pregnant – both times.

6. My biggest fault is I push myself too hard, rather than relying on the help of others, how much more efficient would I be if I delegated better?

7. My biggest strength is Consistency, Harmony, Responsibility, Arranger, and Relater. Its funny this question came up, the girl that *might be my new boss* just gave me a book so that I could figure out what my biggest strengths were. I wasn’t really too surprised that these came up in the test – maybe I can capitalize on them now though with the plan they send you.

How would you Fill in the Blanks?

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Rules for turning 30

When I was a kid, the age of 30 seemed light years away.  When I turned 21, 30 was still considered "old." 
When I turned 25, 30 was the age that I figured would be a good time to get re-married. Thirty was still a ways off, though.  When I turned 29 last year, 30 suddenly didn’t seem so old.  Within the next week, I’ll be 30, and, unlike what I’ve stated before, I guess I’m ready to embrace my age.

Compared to other ages, 30 doesn’t really have any milestones attached to it, to my knowledge. When many Arizonan girls turn 15, for example, they get a quinceañera — some are more lavish than even the nicest weddings I’ve attended — and I’ve actually heard of a few local boys requesting quinceañeros, too. When American teens turn 16, they are able to obtain a driver’s license. At age 18, Americans are able to vote, and at age 21, we’re allowed to (legally) drink alcohol.

Even turning 25 has its perks: One’s auto insurance rates usually decline, and renting a car becomes possible, too. When one turns 40, they’re considered "over the hill," meaning their life is more or less half over. At age 65, Americans are officially senior citizens, are eligible for Medicare and can (hopefully) think about retiring. But turning 30 feels a lot like finding out about a sale a day too late, to paraphrase Chris Rock.

Am I still "young," or am I now considered "old?" Are there certain clothes, such as my T-shirt that says "I (heart) sports, boys, diamonds and chocolates," that I have to stop wearing? Do I have to stop reading my Harry Potter and Twilight books and devote my free time to more "mature" pursuits? Am I too old to watch cartoons? Am I too young to look forward to a nap?

Because I have so many questions, and surely many readers my age do, too, I have decided to create my own list of rules for life at age 30. Upon leaving your twenties:

Tuesday's Top 10 – Favorite Cancelled TV Shows

I'm sure I forgot some 'all-time' greats, but here's what I'd consider my favorite cancelled shows.

10. I Love Lucy (How can anyone hate this show?)
9. Streets of San Francisco (Okay, I know this is a weird one, but who doesn’t like a young, hot Michael Douglas? It was a past time for me to spend some time with my dad and we’d watch re-runs of this together)