Monday, May 31, 2010

Three Day Weekend

Three day weekends are great – especially now that for the last 6 weeks I’ve only had one day weekends. It hasn’t been as nice as I thought though, when I’ve actually been off – Mr. S has been working – and that sucks.

Saturday started off with a baseball game for Jr. Mr. S. Mr. S has started a second job now – which I hate, but if he feels like he needs to do it – I’ll support it. He had to leave before the game was over to go and do some training. The nice thing was that it was a day off for my sister and she was able to come up and hang out.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

I have to repeat - why are exes SO stupid?!?

...especially mine and Mr. S's?  Something had to be in the water on Thursday because BOTH of our exes were stupid that day.  We'll start with mine. (sorry this is going to be a long one)

Saturday, May 15, 2010

The most joy I've felt in a long time

This post has so many themes going on with it.  I have to tell you a story from last weekend, that I had not gotten around to writing this week.  If I could love my husband anymore than I already do - this was the week that I found out how much more that is. 

Mr. S is very much a "boy" person.  He gets boys, relates to them, and is closer to his sons than I've ever seen a dad.  When he and I met he had a hard time relating to the girls and their drama.  Getting into their activities was a whole new experience since he's only ever done the boy-stuff.  Over the last three years he's really tried to support the girls and be there for them.  It's the best gift of all that he could give me.

When I got separated/divorced, it ran through my head over and over how sorry I felt for my daughters that they didn't have their dad full time (I was very close to my dad - I was the apple in his eye) - I thought he was an "okay" dad and they seemed to really love each other.  Once Mr. S came into our life - I really saw the dad I wished my daughters had.  It's a relationship that none of us can force though and I think we've gone about it the right way - we've just let it meld into what it would be.  Over the last year my ex has become completely absent in my daughter's lives - it's sad - but I think it's been for the best.  They've flourished in the last year and I know as kids grow, they change, but we've seen a SIGNIFICANT change in the girls.  LMS more so though.  She loves his support in her sports and the one on one attention she gets from him when he helps her with things.

Happy Birthday to my Little Miss Snowflake

You still, seven years later, have possession of my heart and soul.

I am so proud of you LMS. You are a great helper, an amazing example, a phenomenal athlete, a fabulous daughter, and an amazing friend to those you care about (which is a lot of people). Did you know that I get emails and phone calls from your friend's parents telling me how sweet you are? That makes me so proud of you. What that says to me, is that even when you think nobody is paying attention to you and your actions, you still choose the right.

There are so many other words for you:

…and so MANY more.

I love you so much. Happy Birthday, my Little Miss Snowflake!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mothers Day

Happy Mothers Day to all the wonderful moms out there.  Have a wonderful - relaxing day.  Thank you to all that help us do our jobs better (teachers, daycare providers, coaches, family, friends, and yes - even our husbands).  It takes more than just a mom to raise kids and you don't always get that credit. 
And to my mom - hopefully your gift got to you and it didn't burn up on the mail truck that caught on fire this week on I-80 :P If it did burn up in the fire (okay - it's funny and ironic for all of  us late mailers) - please know that I love you VERY MUCH!  You are the mom idol I try to live up to every day.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Feliz Cumpleanos Mama and Feliz Cinco de Mayo!

Today is my mom's birthday.  I hope she has a great day!
Happy Birthday Mama!

In addition to it being my mom's birthday - it's also Cinco de Mayo.  Cinco de mayo is my favorite holiday (sort of) after Christmas.  Mostly for the food aspect of it, but oh...the food is SO good :)

What "off" holidays do you enjoy?

Monday, May 3, 2010

Bon Voyage Little Brother!

Today my brother leaves my parents, his wife and his baby son to enlist in the Navy.  I'm SO proud of him. 

Him with his new haircut. 

Good luck and we can't wait to see you out of bootcamp!

Happy Birthday Papa!

Today is my dad's birthday! I hope he has a great day and I love him!
Happy Birthday Pops!

Eh, it was a mixed weekend...

First the good...Since the beginning of the year (and before that) I've wanted to lose weight, I used a lot of excuses the last few months (I was too busy, there were too many things going on, the crappy weather this winter didn't make me want to).  As of today - I've lost half a pound from where I started the year!  I've actually lost a lot more than that in the last month - At my highest (gulp) - I was in the mid-190's.  I've worked my way SLOWLY down, but in the last month I've been able to shed 7 pounds!  I'm pretty proud of myself.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Fill in the Blank Friday (Saturday)

Since I didn't have time to fill in the blanks yesterday - I'm going to pretend it's still Friday :)
This week's theme is movies:
1. My absolute favorite movie of all time is "Lord of the Rings Trilogy".
2. My favorite movie as a child was "Wizard of Oz". I wore out my video tape a couple of times and my parents would re-record it when it played every year.

3. The best movie quote ever is from "The Notebook" when Noah says, "So it's not gonna be easy. It's gonna be really hard. We're gonna have to work at this every day, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever,you and me, everyday." I love it because it's such a true picture of love - it really is hard, but definitely worth it .

4. My favorite actress is Julia Roberts. Also My favorite actor is I'm not sure - I have several that I could pin as my favorite.

5. The movie I could watch over and over is I'm not sure about this one either - there are several that I could watch over and over, like Princess Diaries, Ella Enchanted, Enchanted,, I think I have a theme going here, don't I?

6. My favorite movie genre is - I have several, I like action (but not the kung fu movies like Mr. S), dramas, romantic comedy, etc.

7. A movie I'd like to watch this weekend is "Sherlock Holmes", even though we saw it in the theater, or "Precious" - I'm really interested to see the Oscar buzz about it.

How would you fill in the blanks?