Monday, November 30, 2009

I Love Christmas...

I like holidays, especially when there are days off from work involved.  But there's something about the whole Christmas season that I love.  There's something in the air (or the water), I don't know, but it makes me happy. 

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


In honor of Thanksgiving, I'd like to put down what I'm thankful for:
  • My husband and children.  They are my life, what I live for.  I'm so lucky to have a wonderful husband, and happy (most of the time) healthy kids.
  • For my extended family and friends.  Without them I wouldn't have an unbelievable amount of love and support behind me all the time.
  • My health.  Although I really take it for granted and don't take care of myself as well as I should, I'm very lucky to be very healthy.
  • My job.  As much as I may hate it some days, or wish I could stay at home instead, I'm very thankful for the job I have as so many this year do not.
  • All the blessings we've recieved this year.  For everything that surprised us, and that happened when we least expected it to, I'm thankful for those.
Hope everyone has a Happy, Safe Thanksgiving.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Date Night

From the time Mr. S and I started dating, we had a "built-in" date night every two weeks when the kids were at our respective exes for the weekend.  It was nice to have that free night every two weeks to focus on just us and wake up to a quiet house.  In July, my ex went back to his "old habits" and my daughters have not seen him, which also means Mr.S and I don't get date night.  We were so busy this summer with the wedding and then this fall with the kids and sports that we didn't really notice the lack of date night, but now that our schedule is getting less hectic, I've really been missing that special time I had with him. 

Thursday, November 12, 2009

When Life is not a Fairy Tale

For the most part I would say that I'm pretty lucky in life.  I have a wonderful husband, great kids, a good job, and a very nice house(s).  I LOVE fairy tales.  When people ask me my favorite movie, the first ones that pop into my mind are Cinderella, Enchanted, Ella Enchanted, Princess Diaries, etc.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Happy Veterans Day

To all the veterans out there (and future ones), Happy Veterans Day.  As the President said in his speech yesterday, your lifetime work means our freedom and safety.  Thank you!

**By future ones, this means my younger brother that is going to enlist in the Navy May 2010.

(Quick fact about me - I enlisted in the Army in 2000.  Unfourtunately, I hurt my back and was medically discharged, but for a short time I served my country.  I'm so proud of all the others that I spent time with in Fort Sill, OK).

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Halloween...I'm late

I know, I'm late. Not only am I late, but I stole the pictures off Mr.S aunt's Facebook page since I haven't downloaded mine from my camera yet. Geez...So bad.

Here's the Snowflake Bunch all dressed up for trick or treating:

JMrS is death, JMsS is a Southern Belle, LMS is a Glamour Witch, TS1 and TS2 are GI Joe Ninjas