Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Seriously! Where does time go?!

Once again, I have to admit to being a SUPER BAD blogger. I apologize. I have PLENTY of good excuses and LOTS of material for blogging. So please bear with me while I sort it all out. (when issue it would be an interesting three months +, I was not intending ton not blog for three months)

Some highlights:
1) the girls and I went on a REALLY fun trip to California
2) the kids have been SUPER busy with sports (softball, baseball, swimming, football, volleyball)
3) school started again - I can't believe I have 6th graders! (and 3rd and 2nd graders)
4) my great-grandmother passed away :(
5) we went on a super-fun birthday trip for mr s and the twins
6)The summer from hell:not only has work been NUTS (cant even figure out how we had time for so much fun), but we've also been flood watching/"fighting", had to clean up after the GROSSEST tenant ever, dealt with bad work commutes, and on top of flooding have had some very serious storms/rain to deal with. Well, all those things and dealing with mr s's CRAPPY, CRAZY ex (a whole bullet on it's own).

What have you been up to this summer?