Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Death Walk to 30

As of yesterday, my days of being in my twenties are numbered. I only have 28 days to be exact. I’m REALLY not thrilled about turning 30, I’m not sure if it’s because my mom had a really hard time and it’s genetic, or if it’s because that means my babies are also getting older, or the threat of black balloons from Mr. S for my birthday, or maybe I’m just weird about the whole milestone. No matter which excuse it is, I’m still NOT happy about it.

To try to be more positive, I’ve taken someone else’s blog about how turning 30 rocks and added my own commentary to their reasons it rocks. I guess I agree with some of it, but not all of them. This guy was REALLY excited about turning 30…
Why turning 30 rocks:
Some people dread turning the big 3-0. I am not one of them. Maybe it is because I do not spend my time dwelling on the perceived bad things that come with 30. Instead I choose to look at all the great things that come with turning 30. It helps me to embrace 30 instead of dread it.

Here are my 30 reasons why turning 30 rocks:
1. I get to check a new age group box on forms. (kinda lame)
2. I get to say, “I remember when I was in my 20s”.
3. It is a milestone birthday. (I guess I agree with this one)
4. It is more exciting to say “I am 30″ than “I am 29 or 31″ (sure – it’s an even number, but not more exciting)
5. More exciting to blog for a month about your 30th birthday. (Okay, sadly for all of you, I will probably be doing this)
6. I get 10 years to prepare for turning 40. (Great, another b-day to dread – and I really will get black balloons from Mr. S)
7. I get to take the time to look at a new vision for my 30s.
8. I have stopped trying to find myself and started creating myself. (I agree with this one)
9. I get to start anew in my new age range.
10. I have great experiences from my past and so now I get to add new ones! (I agree with this one)
11. I can celebrate BIG for this birthday. (I hope so - we'll see what Mr. S comes up with, he's been teasing me about this since we started dating)
12. I have years to get used to being called ma’am. (ugh!)
13. When I get carded it is a compliment instead of them not thinking I am old enough.
14. All the life lessons I learned in my 20s, I can now apply to my life. (I agree with this one)
15. Don’t have to worry about being 30 because I just AM. (Okay, this is PROBABLY true)
16. Get to read all the self help books about surviving your 30’s and nod in agreement with them.
17. Do not have to do it alone since many of my friends and my husband are ALREADY in their 30s.
18. A major birthday like 30 means better presents! (right!?!)
19. If I have learned nothing else from Desperate Housewives, 40 is the new 30 and 30 is the new 20.
20. People naturally take you more seriously when you are in your 30s.
21. You get to smile when people can not believe you are 30.
22. No longer have to struggle to be an adult because you have years of practice.
23. 5 more years and I can be president (especially since it’s becoming socially acceptable, thanks Hillary and Sarah.)
24. Instead of stressing about acne, I can stress about wrinkles and white hair. (ugh!)
25. When I was younger 30 was OLD, now I feel 30 is young.
26. Don’t wait for Santa to bring me a wii, I can go get my own.
27. I maybe turning 30 but I will still always be younger than Mr. S.
28. Turning 30 makes you appreciate your 20’s and look forward to your 40s. (I’m not so sure I agree with the latter)
29. There is only on option to not turning 30 that is death. I say, “Welcome 30!” (okay, I guess I agree with this one)
30. Like the Christina song, “Keeps Getting Better”

Why do you think turning 30 would rock?

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