Wednesday, February 17, 2010

20 Turning 30 in 2010

I got this off of Some of these people I have no idea who they are, others all I could think about was OMG they’re the same age as me, really?! And others I’m proud to be crossing the threshold with – if they can do it and look/be fabulous, maybe I can too.

They’re turning 30, but I have NO idea who they are:

Eliza Dushku and Bijou Phillips
I’m not sure who they are, I haven’t seen any of their movies, but they’re really pretty and they’ll do well through their 30’s.

Eva GreenOkay, I had to imdb her, she’s a Bond Girl, how does life get any better than that? Guess we’ll have to wait to see…

Channing Tatum I’m sad to admit that I did not recognize his name, I had to imdb him…I should, I’ve seen several of his movies (and the fact that he’s pretty hot should make his name in a list I recognize).

Ashanti Of my list of people I didn’t know, I did recognize her name – I just still don’t really know her music or anything.

OMG – they’re the same age as me?!!:

Macaulay Culkin
The Home Alone boy is the same age as me? Really? Hmmm..

Kim Kardashian I just didn’t realize she was my age. Although she’s the most “grown-up” and head the straightest out of the Kardashian girls, she just still didn’t seem like she was THIS OLD.

Wilmer Valderrama I guess I always thought he was so much older, I watched his show when I was a kid and he was supposed to be a lot older.

Nick Carter I guess since I listened to him as a teenager, I also thought he was older. I knew he was the “baby” of the group, but I didn’t realize he was that much younger.

Ryan Gosling and Jake GyllenhaalI always figured they were older too, I know they’re young in a lot of what they do, but movies like The Notebook and Rendition make them seem “old” to me.

If they can do it, I can do it:

Christina Aguilera, Venus Williams, and Christina Ricci
Technically they’re also in my OMG I can’t believe she’s the same age as me list, but they’re all so great, I couldn’t put them in that list. I totally though Christina A and Venus were older than me – I mean they had full on careers before I was even looking at colleges. And Christina R always seemed younger because of the roles she played in movies (like Culkin). But they’re all fabulous no matter what age they. Like Christina’s song “it keeps getting better”

Jessica Simpson She’s quirky, and sometimes a real goof, but you have to admit that she is beautiful and has a lot of good things going for her in the coming year.

Kristen Bell Okay, have I mentioned that I <3 (HEART) Kristen Bell, because I do – I LOVE her! And if she can do it, I can do it.

Jason Segel Like his co-star Kristen, he’s hilarious. I could totally see us as buddies in HS, okay maybe not really because he’d be too cool for me, but still…if he can do it (which guys always do it with more grace than us women), then I can do it (and I’m sure he has tons of funny things to say about the 3-O)

Alicia Keys She’s a fabulous artist, and she has so much potential going forward (hopefully my potential will rise as exponentially as her will).

Zooey Deschanel Who doesn’t love her beautiful eyes (and her super cute name)? I’m always mesmerized by them when I watch her movies. My favorite so far? Tin Man from SciFi (or whatever they call the channel now) (if you know me, you know that I’ve LOVED all things Wizard of Oz since I was very little).

Giselle Bundchen She’s SO beautiful and if she can do it gracefully, then I’m going to try to as well (it has to be harder for a beauty model than a regular gal like me, right?)
Who did you not realize was the same age as you?

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