Sunday, February 7, 2010

Another wild weekend at the Snowflakes

What a busy weekend we had.
The boys had another wrestling tournament, Little Miss S had dance camp, and we also threw a Super Bowl Party for some friends at our house.
I thought LMS's camp was all day and then they'd perform at the Basketball game that afternoon, but no, I had to run her to Blair (about 30 minutes from our house) to drop her off at 9, then Jr.MS.S and I ran back to the house to clean for people coming over (we actually accomplished a lot for just the two of us in two hours), then we went back to Blair to pick her up at noon. 

We went groccery shopping there since the store is better, grabbed a late lunch, and came back to the house to eat, unload groceries and do more cleaning.  At 3 we went back to Blair for the Dana College Basketball game and at halftime LMS performed.  She LOVED it - she was TOTALLY in her element all day (now I need to find a cheer club nearby - or create one of my own for the girls in the area - please god, let there be one close by).

Since my blogger doesn't have video links for some reason...stupid blogger, here's a link to her performance: Facebook.
Jr.Ms.S got a cell phone this week, I've decided she's responsible enough and I'm tired of all her little friends calling mine or texting me.  So she had no problem with all the sitting in the car - it meant she could practice her texting skillz.  Yikes! My baby is growing up!

We got back to the house about 5:30 and waited for Mr. S and the boys to get home.  TS2 won 1st place, Jr.Mr.S got 3rd, and TS1 got 4th place - it was a mixed bag for this tournament (and a LONG day - I'm glad I got stuck with the running around and cleaning - I would have been VERY grumpy if I had to sit in a loud gym ALL DAY LONG).

Because the house was clean and Mr. S and I were too tired to cook, he was sweet and decided to take us all to dinner in town.  The kids were really great and once again we were complimented on how well behaved they all are (yeah, just see them at home).
(Oh and all of this running around was also in all the freaking snow we got - I was so sick of gunning the car up the driveway and sliding down or road to the main road - PLEASE MOTHER NATURE - give us a break!)
Sunday morning started off bright and early with snow removal (even though we're getting another 10 inches or more over the next 48 hours) and more cleaning.

(Can you believe the girls closet? - Mom I'm SO sorry for all of my childhood messes - now I know why you didn't want me to be such a pack rat)

Now it's just waiting for people to arrive and the game to start.
How did you spend your weekend?

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