Sunday, April 25, 2010

Work, work, and more work...

...this has been my life for the last two weeks. 
I started the new job at my main job and I love it, but it's just been more than I thought.  Of course a lot of that may be due to a major report we had to get out and litigation support for one of my old projects.  We got the report out last week, started working on the litigation support and then the Board announced this week that a hearing would be set for the information we found in our audit that the railroad wasn't reporting.  So this week has been full of running around preparing for the hearing and at one point I thought I'd have to be in Washington DC for the hearing this coming Wednesday.  Late Friday, after I had already put in a ton of hours and effort into the presentation and everything else, the fire drill was called off and all of my hard work into this presentation and research was for naught.  That and now I don't have to travel (which is nice in most ways, but it would have been a really great experience for me).  So, I pushed everything else on my plate for this fire drill and now I have to play catch up again. Grr...

On a positive note, this week was Take Your Child to Work and Jr.Mr.S and Jr.Ms.S went with me to my job.  I think they had a lot of fun finding out all of the things my company does and they had a really good program for them.  In addition to the discussions they had with the kids, they got to do a group exercise where they had to build something to put an egg into and make it try not to break (I think the kids liked the idea of dropping the eggs and watching them bust though), they also got to visit an active construction site - the Children's Hospital expansion across the street from our office.  they learned a lot about design and the features that went into the building to make it a better, more sustainable place, as well as the features to make it more kid-friendly (I SO wish I had pictures in their hard hats!!).  After a pizza buffet lunch, they also got swag bags filled with all kinds of my company's stuff, as well as some educational stuff.  In the afternoon, we played around at my desk and I showed them some some cool tools we use for my job (net meetings, websites, etc).  I think they had a good time - they both said they want to come back next year.

(JrMsS "hard" at work)

(JrMrS playing cards with another kid visiting the office)

And for the more work, in addition to working my main job - I started my part-time one at the small restuarant in town.  I spent about 4 hours training on Sunday and then worked Wednesday, Friday and Saturday there.  I must be doing a good job - they keep asking me back and they usually don't have new waitresses work on the weekends, so they must have thought I did pretty well.  I'm not sure how I feel about it myself.  I'm glad I have it so I don't have to worry so much about getting the lawyer bills paid, and hopefully we'll be able to catch up on other things as well, but it's been really hard working so much and I miss not being home.  This week I have to work Thursday, Friday, and Saturday - next Sunday won't come soon enough...
So, if you've been wondering where I've been - this is it, in addition to the soccer coaching.  I hope it calms down soon :(

What do you do when your free time is very limited?

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