Thursday, April 1, 2010

I know life is not fair...

But why does it have to be so unfair?

I haven’t been around much – mostly because I’ve been SUPER busy with the new job and still doing my old job, also because it’s just really been a depressing/disappointing week in the Snowflake house.

Take last Thursday, I was supposed to go to court again for my child support case against my ex. First of all, he tried to just call my lawyer the day before and whine about not having the time or money to find a lawyer in the two week period he was allowed and he also wanted to reschedule because he had to work (um, I HAVE to work, Mr. S HAS to work – I’m the one PAYING for the girls and the lawyer - why should he get a break?). So we made him go through with it. The day of court he showed up (I lost the bet that he wouldn't) and we didn’t even get to see the judge because he went and whined to him. Since it’s a jail-able offense, we were continued another two weeks and he gets a public defender. So not only did Mr. S and I waste our time and have to pay for the lawyers time AGAIN – but we’re all basically paying for HIS lawyer too. Frustrating…

On Monday I took in my car for a routine oil change and tire rotation. Instead of it costing say $40 – it turned into a $375 bill for breaks (they weren’t even squeaking yet) and a bunch of other little things. Ugh!

My new job has started, but my old one has not started transitioning (they have to wait until someone new is hired). So instead of doing my job – I’m doing two (or actually more like 4 with all of the positions I fill). I’m so sick of working and then coming home to work a few more hours. I know that my new job may have demands like this, but it would just be nice to only have to do that specifically, rather than bouncing a million places every day.

Mr. S has probably had it the hardest this week. On Monday his company said they were going to do company-wide salary reductions (he was weeks away from asking for a raise since he hasn’t gotten one since starting almost two years ago). It really sucks – but at least he still has a job – that’s the important thing, right? Then yesterday, he found out that he can no longer drive his company vehicle from our house to work and back – they’re making all of the company vehicles stay on company property overnight. It was a super nice perk for us since we drive so much back and forth, this way he wasn’t spending so much gas (and mileage) on our vehicles. So, now we will probably do a lot of carpooling on days when I don’t need a vehicle, or he doesn’t leave work early for the kid’s activities. Also, to try to save money on gas and the mileage on the trucks, we’re buying a minivan. So to sum up, not only are we losing money and the extra vehicle, but we also have to BUY another vehicle (ugh, a minivan no less - I always said I'd NEVER be a minivan mom). Grrr… (Now selling Mr.S’s old car last year since he wasn’t driving it back and forth to work anymore was a stupid thing to do) At least Mr. S’s grandfather has a cheap van that we can purchase that will hopefully last us until his salary increases again and we can afford something else.

It’s not going to get any easier looking ahead either. Since my court battle with my dumb ex is still continuing (and bills are racking up now with all the STUPID court appearances) and I’m not getting child support and with Mr.S’s cuts and extra expenses – looks like we’re looking for second jobs for a little while.

This is so sucky. I know we’re lucky that we have good jobs and we have a home and many other things that people out there don’t have. I know a lot of other people are suffering from this sucky economy, but when it hits all at once it really just blows.

Hopefully the statement that when it rains, it pours is true in our case. I don’t think I can continue to have it drizzle on my head and get steadily more and more worse.

How has the stupid economy affected you and your family?

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