Saturday, May 1, 2010

Fill in the Blank Friday (Saturday)

Since I didn't have time to fill in the blanks yesterday - I'm going to pretend it's still Friday :)
This week's theme is movies:
1. My absolute favorite movie of all time is "Lord of the Rings Trilogy".
2. My favorite movie as a child was "Wizard of Oz". I wore out my video tape a couple of times and my parents would re-record it when it played every year.

3. The best movie quote ever is from "The Notebook" when Noah says, "So it's not gonna be easy. It's gonna be really hard. We're gonna have to work at this every day, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever,you and me, everyday." I love it because it's such a true picture of love - it really is hard, but definitely worth it .

4. My favorite actress is Julia Roberts. Also My favorite actor is I'm not sure - I have several that I could pin as my favorite.

5. The movie I could watch over and over is I'm not sure about this one either - there are several that I could watch over and over, like Princess Diaries, Ella Enchanted, Enchanted,, I think I have a theme going here, don't I?

6. My favorite movie genre is - I have several, I like action (but not the kung fu movies like Mr. S), dramas, romantic comedy, etc.

7. A movie I'd like to watch this weekend is "Sherlock Holmes", even though we saw it in the theater, or "Precious" - I'm really interested to see the Oscar buzz about it.

How would you fill in the blanks?

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