Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Stream of consciousness

I’ve never bought into this stream of consciousness writing before. I always thought my blogs needed to be well thought out and more than anything make sense to everything – these sort of blogs don’t always make sense since you don’t have the context.
On Monday, I took “live” notes in a meeting for a bunch of company big-wigs for a project worth about $200 million to our company over the next ten years. While I was typing, one of the attendees mentioned that I was capturing their stream of consciousness and it dawned on me that I do this all the time. In meetings, I just write everything – when I start my blogs I have this rough idea and then I always go back and clean it up. Why? Isn’t this my sounding board? My release so I don’t burst into a big messy Snowflake in the middle of my kitchen? So here we go…my first shot at stream of consciousness blogging…
Work has been INSANE the last week. I’ve had so many huge deadlines this week and I’m just BARELY keeping my head above the surface. I moved desks on Friday afternoon/Monday morning and I know that if I didn’t, this week would have been insanely MORE busy – most people don’t know where I am right now. The bad thing about moving is that none of my stuff is in the right place and when I walk to my desk, I walk down the wrong rows of cubes before I remember where I’m at. It’s not that I’ve moved to a different building , or even another floor – I’m on the same floor as before, just on the other end, and it’s not like I’ve never been to this end – I would go over there almost daily, so weird…

On top of my regular job consuming my time, I got a second job this week that I start on Sunday. I’m working at a small restaurant/bar in town a few days a week so I can pay the stupid lawyer bills. I have no hope that my ex will follow through with his obligations. Mr. S has been so moody since I got the second job. I don’t really know why, maybe because I’ve been so insanely busy that he hasn’t gotten his “attention” or maybe I’m reading him wrong since I’m too busy and I’ve been sick all week.

Ugh, I hate being sick. Why didn’t I buy my allergy pills earlier so it didn’t move to my sinuses? I wish I had a spigot on my ears to release the pressure.

I have avoided being a coach for any of our children’s sports up until now. I’m LMS’s soccer coach and the worst thing is that all her little friends are on my team. I never thought 6/7 year olds were like this - they’re like little high school girls all boy crazy and unfocused, ugh. I know my daughter is probably acting out because that’s always the way that coaches’ children seem to act, but I have two girls on my team that will NOT listen and they just fool around and hang on each other every second. It’s so annoying and the worst part is that their parents attend the practices and don’t do anything when I get after their daughters. So frustrating… I do have a few REALLY good players on my team, including LMS when she pays attention.

Okay, so that’s all I have tonight. I have to work tonight :(

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