Monday, April 19, 2010

It's been a VERY interesting weekend

The Snowflakes have had a very interesting weekend.  I'm not sure if I can describe it as bad or good...maybe you can be my judge.
Saturday started off with LMS going into the garage to take out trash and finding out that our (maybe) one-year old cat had a baby (only one kitten).  Actually, it was " Mommy, mommy, Peanut had a BABY!" Big excitement ensued around our house - all the kids congregated to the garage for the morning.

However, new life always follows the end of another (or vis a versa).  Saturday morning we also found out that Mr. S's grandmother has stage 4 lung cancer.  We don't know all the details yet, but we know she doesn't have long and that's really sad.
LMS had a soccer game in the afternoon.  She did really well, but her (my) team didn't - we lost to the older Lo-Ma U-8 team.  I guess I'd rather lose to Lo-Ma than another team, right?  The twin Snowflakes had a game right after LMS.  They both did really well.  They also played another Lo-Ma team.  It's amazing how many mal-adjusted kids there are out there.  Their game was full of players that couldn't make it 8 minutes without drink breaks, potty breaks and just plain breaks from playing.  What has parenting come to?  If it had been the twins or any of the other kids we would have told them to toughen up and get their butts back out there!

After the games, we got ready for JrMSs's birthday slumber party.  All of the girls she invited were able to come (we limited to 3 additional 10-year olds).  They ate dinner, cupcakes and the had s'mores (Mr. S was SO excited about all the sugar I gave them).  They were all super excited about the new kitty as well as really into Wii games, so it really wasn't a difficult night.  About 10 pm I had them start a movie (New Moon) and then they went to bed after it was over (surprisingly - Mr. S and I didn't hear them at all overnight from the basement - that was good). 

On Sunday, I got up early and cooked everyone breakfast (coconut pancakes and sausage sandwiches), the girls left, we got some yard work done and then I headed in for training at my new second job.  I thought it would only be a couple hours for training.  It turned into 4.5 hours!  I think I'm going to like my managers, as well as the job itself - it's a small town steakhouse/bar, it's busy, but it's also really family-oriented. 

What did you do this weekend?

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