Sunday, January 9, 2011

Why I hate wrestling...

Okay I'm going to sound bad so I need to preface this with I love my stepsons and would do just about ANYTHING for them. Just want to make that clear. Top ten reasons why wrestling sucks:
1. Crowds, crowds, and more crowds
2. Once you actually get a seat you have to fight all day to keep it.
3. You always sit in front of the loudest woman in the world that screams at her son in your ear all day.
4. Have to avoid the stupid ex - my luck today we ended up on the same freaking row of bleachers until I could find us new seats.
5. The food SUCKS. Seriously - couldn't get bagged salad cheaper than bags of fritos and chili for walking tacos?
6. Testoserone and WAY too much of it. Yet when any of them lose they always cry like girls.
7. Noise - you can't hardly even hear the person beside you talking.
8. What is the point of a sport where boys get bent backwards and hurt? How is that considered fun?
9. LONG days sitting on a hard bench - bought chairs this year but do we EVER have them when I need them? NO
10. Did I mention the crowds?
What sport do you hate most?

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