Friday, January 14, 2011

Fill in the Blank Friday

1. Blogging is my sounding board, the place I can go and say just about anything and vent or share excitement about something - even when no one close to me cares - it matters to me - so I'm putting it out there.

2. A current fashion trend I wish I was brave enough to wear is - this is hard - I'm so not "trendy" - I have my own style for the most part because I don't have the fashion model body (even if I did used to model). I think I carry my style well, but there are many times when I've seen fads and have been very jealous that I don't have the body type to carry it off.

3. My greatest accomplishment in life thus far is making my own way. I haven't taken the "normal" path - I've had to work hard for everything I have and know. I've made it through some really hard times, especially as a single mom, and I've come out shining (in my opinion).

4. If I had to choose between a mountain or a beach vacation I'd choose - it'd be SO close - I can't chose - I love a good beach vacation (I So want to go back to Mexico), but I've missed not having our ski vacation, so I want to say mountain too. Maybe things will get easier this year (yeah right) and we'll get to take both vacations. :)
Would it be this....
 ...or that...
...I'll take both please!
5. A talent I wish I had is a design eye/creative bone in my body. As I said, I'm so not trendy and I have such a hard time decorating my house and coming up with creative ideas. I'm so jealous of people that can pull creative stuff off so easy (at least it looks that way).

6. A talent I do have is being organized (for the most part). Most people in my situation would lose it with all of the appointments, meetings, games, school activities, pta meetings and everything else I have to keep track of - on top of the house and work stuff. I think I have a pretty good balance of things so that I don't become too jumbled.

7. This week is finally over...thank goodness!

Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend. How would you fill in the blanks?

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