Sunday, May 30, 2010

I have to repeat - why are exes SO stupid?!?

...especially mine and Mr. S's?  Something had to be in the water on Thursday because BOTH of our exes were stupid that day.  We'll start with mine. (sorry this is going to be a long one)

After not hearing anything for a month from mine, he started the newest emails in the weirdest way (the last time I heard from him he wanted to see the girls, I told him how and when and we argued through email - he backed down, but never made plans).  He asked me "What is your agenda?  You can tell me anything, I won't be mad".  He also wrote that he has other kids besides the girls that he takes care of (not really sure where this came from - but then again it was CRAZY day).  Why would anyone ask someone that question?  And why do I care if he's mad or not?  I wrote him back saying that my only agenda was to make sure the girls were happy, healthy, and provided for (by both parents).  I told him he needed to go get off of his butt and get a real job - $10 a week doesn't not provide ANYTHING for them.  He got all angry in the next one and said he was going to get a 60+hour a week job, that he should have run off to the reservation like everyone told him to, accussed me of lying to the judge again, and told me the girls needed both of us in their life.  Ugh!  When I wrote him back Friday morning, I congratulated him on joining the "real world" (obviously I was sarcastic), that if he even had the thought to abandon his kids for the reservation (let alone what he's done for the last year) then he in no way deserved to be their parent, explained "burden of proof" (for the 50th time) and told him to stop spreading the lie about me lying in court anymore (again, for the 50th time), and that I've already told him how and when he could see his kids if he wanted to.  Haven't heard anything since from him.  This is not about the girls - this is about him being upset about our upcoming court hearing on Friday for the un-paid daycare expenses.  Ugh!

Now on to CRAZY.... 

Thursday afternoon went perfectly fine, Mr S made it to the Twin Snowflake's baseball practice and also stayed for LMS's softball practice.  He was traveling Wednesday, so he didn't get to see the boys and she agreed, very nicely I have to add (see, I give credit where credit is due), that he could keep the boys at the school with him until after LMS's practice since he didn't see them the night before.  He got them dropped off at 6:30 and then brought the girls home.
During our dinner, she starts RANTING about how he need to control his stepchildren and how they treat the boys bad, are rude, flip people off, cuss, and say REALLY bad things about her to the boys.  She's sick of them coming home and having to deal with their crap, she's tried to be patient, but the boys deserve better and don't need to hear the girl's crap.  WTF?!?  Mr. S told her he had NO idea what she was talking about and she wrote back that the boys tell her all the time that they cuss and yell and say bad things about her to them and the girls do it because they don't think they'll be in trouble.  She said Mr. S needed to start standing up for his sons and punish them.  He wrote back telling her that for the most part, the boys weren't even near the girls that day and that he's very strict with all of them and that this behavior wouldn't be tolorated by ANY of the kids. 
In the middle of the arguement, he and I started laying into the girls asking them about cussing and hand gestures (we could give a crap about what they say about her).  I mean really, if they were displying this kind of wildness and bad behavior, don't you think we would have heard it from others, like teachers, or it's a small town so I'm sure the other parents would come to us too if they observed it.  They both denied this going on, besides saying "shut up" or calling names (LMS told on TS1 and said he'd called Jr.Ms.S a "butt sniffer" that afternoon - hehe - I can't even type that without laughing - where do they come up with these names?).  We told the girls that it wasn't very nice to say those things to each other, but they weren't in trouble, unless the boys told Mr. S something the next night when they came over.
Mr. S ened up telling her that nothing was going on, the boys can always come to him with a problem and they haven't, and that if she REALLY knew him, she'd know how much the boys meant to him.  She was hot at this point, so she wrote back that his "dominering wife and naughty stepchildren mean more than (their) boys and that they deserved better than this".  This satement is really funny beacuse anyone who KNOWS Mr. S, knows that he will NEVER be dominered - he's too strong headed and doesn't budge AT ALL when he doesn't want to.  Mr. S decided to smack her down and wrote back that he wasn't going to take parenting advice from a stepmom and a father who sends his kid 5 states away because they can't deal with him (this is a long story, but basically she couldn't "handle" her husband's son - so they sent him to Louisianna to live with his mom - he really was a pretty good kid from what I saw of him).  After that she didn't want to discuss this anymore, she said.
On Friday, Mr.S asked the boys about the girls behavior and they denied that the girls were doing it.  They said their mom was upset because Jr.Ms.S said she was "fat" and they repeated that to her apparently.  What a "you-know-what"!  She's SO concerned about what a 10-year old says, she's got to create this whole fight - wow, there's someone with a poor self-esteam.  Plus, if the girls were SO bad, how come she let the boys run off with the girls WAY down to the other field at Jr.Mr.S's baseball game?  Shouldn't she have been "protecting" them?  Grrr....

The funny thing is, knowing the twins, especially TS2, I bet he was just trying to get a rise out of his mom  (I remember blaming tons of things on my brother and sister - not that I got away with it) and maybe JrMsS didn't say anything (she denies telling them she's fat).  Either way, what a STUPID arguement.

So, at least the "koolaid" must have dissapated in both of their sinks, because things have been calm - at least for now.

If you have an ex, have you ever witnessed this weird behavior?

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