Thursday, November 12, 2009

When Life is not a Fairy Tale

For the most part I would say that I'm pretty lucky in life.  I have a wonderful husband, great kids, a good job, and a very nice house(s).  I LOVE fairy tales.  When people ask me my favorite movie, the first ones that pop into my mind are Cinderella, Enchanted, Ella Enchanted, Princess Diaries, etc.

There are days though when these pictures from a blog I saw about 6 months ago pop into my head.  They're pictures titled "After the Fairy Tales End":

These are very much how I feel today.  Usually, my kids are very well behaved, in fact most of the time we're out with them we're complimented by strangers at how well our kids are.  However, we do have days that I'm not so proud of.

LMS is my princess, my girly-girl.  She's a perfectionist to a fault, even at 1 years old she was this way.  She is now 6 and when that girl gets in a mood it's like a hurricane raging through the house.  Take this morning, I know she's not feeling very well since she woke me up at 3 am.  She wasn't running a fever though, so I thought she needed to try to go to school.  I made her get up to get ready and instead of taking only about 20 minutes to get ready, it took her 45 minutes just to find clothes, although she didn't find clothes in that time, I had to shove a shirt and sweatshirt on her that she didn't like.  Then she was throwing things around the bathroom when she couldn't get her hair right.  She refused to take medicine or grab something to eat on the bus.  Then she was banging and beating on my car when she was trying to get in and it didn't open immediately for her.  I hate yelling at her and having to spank her, but I did this morning and I hate it.  I also had to take away her going to Girl Scouts tonight and she will be going to bed early tonight (with a healthy dose of Children's NyQuil).  I HATE starting my mornings this way and fighting with my kids, luckily this is only a few and far between thing, but I hope it opens the eyes of you future moms, this is what you're in for, sorry.

I also wonder how it is that I'm going to make it the next 12 years if this only suppossed to get worse when she's a teenager.  God help me!

Anyway, hope everyone else is having their fairy tale lives today and the birds and squirrels are braiding your hair and making you breakfast.

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