Sunday, November 15, 2009

Date Night

From the time Mr. S and I started dating, we had a "built-in" date night every two weeks when the kids were at our respective exes for the weekend.  It was nice to have that free night every two weeks to focus on just us and wake up to a quiet house.  In July, my ex went back to his "old habits" and my daughters have not seen him, which also means Mr.S and I don't get date night.  We were so busy this summer with the wedding and then this fall with the kids and sports that we didn't really notice the lack of date night, but now that our schedule is getting less hectic, I've really been missing that special time I had with him. 

Last night, even though we had JrMsS and LMS, he re-institued date night.  Yes, we didn't have the night alone (although we could have if we wanted it), but he made the effort to not only date me, but the girls too.  The girls really got into it.  When I told them to get ready to go out to dinner, the both put on really dressy dresses and LMS even put on make up (all I wanted was them out of their dirty "Saturday" clothes).  They came in my bathroom while I was getting ready telling me my jeans were not very nice and invaded my closet for the perfect outfit.  It was funny, they were asking about outfits I wore on other dates with Mr. S early in our relationship and ended up settling on a skirt and top for me.  What could I say?  I bit the bullet and "dressed up" for our date.

We had a very nice date night with a nice dinner and ice cream afterwards (a real treat around our house - we're really not into sweets and desserts here).  The girls were very well behaved, tried things on the menu that they don't normally eat, and we had good conversation about school and other things.

Although it wasn't as intimate as mine and Mr.S's usual date nights, it was nice and I'm really glad he did this.  Not only did it get us out, but he really connected with the girls - which in a mixed family is a very important thing.

Hopefully, Mr. S and I will get to re-instate our date nights again soon (hopefully my ex gets his head out of his butt in other words so we get the break and child support again), but until then, this is a nice compromise.

Do you do date night?

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