Thursday, June 10, 2010

Wow - what a week...

It's been an interesting/super-busy/rough week. 
It started off last Friday with me taking off work (well, sort of) and staying home with the kids - yeah - it was all about running them ALL OVER the place.  First, I had to run to the rental house in town for Mr. S's deadbeat renter's money (which was not there when I got there), then to the town our kids go to school in for JrMrS's baseball practice, then grocery shopping with the three little ones for the weekend, then home, then back for JrMrS, ran some errands in town, took all five of them to the library, dropped of JrMsS at swimming practice, brought other four home to make lunch, ran back to town the kids go to school in and picked up JrMsS - it wasn't even 1 o'clock yet!!
Isn't she so cute?!

They each have their own style for going down the slip and slide :) 

My bookworm
That evening, the three little ones had games, Little Miss S in town the kids go to school in and the twins in the next town over.  Of course in the middle of this - I also had to go the opposite way to go pick up rent from the deadbeat and missed 30 minutes of LMS's game :(
Saturday started off super stormy, so the baseball tournament for JrMrS started late.  Once the weather improved though - we drove 45 minutes to the town the tournament was in and he had THREE baseball games! I left for work at the restuarant and go home about 9:00 that night.  I started getting a REALLY bad sore throat though that night and sleeping was rough.

Sunday there were two more baseball games for JrMr.S.  They ended up getting 4th in the tournament (go panthers!).  We came back home and got some things done around the house and then tried to rest for the week - and man did I not feel good.
Monday, I went to the dr for something else, but had her check my throat - I thought it was strep, but the test came back negative - she thought just allergies - she offered to write me a perscription though if it got worse.
Monday evening the three little ones had games again - of course in COMPLETELY different towns (seriously, who makes 5-6-7 year olds travel 30 miles for games!!!).  So, I had to leave work early, RUSH to pick up LMS, and drive to the game.  She did alright - but so not worth the drive for such a short game - I came home feeling even worse than the days before. 
Tuesday my allergies/cold/whatever was way worse and I felt horrible all day at work, I had to leave early though for stupid court with my stupid ex (that he ddn't show up for by the way), so I figured I could make it that long.  Court was just court - I'm getting all too familiar with the courthouse - it sucks, but sonce there was no contest to my pushing for a judgement for daycare payments (I've NEVER got any reimbursement from him - probably never will) and the judge ruled in my favor.  I came back to the house, got the girls, worked from home a little while and then took the girls back to town for softball practice.  MrS meet me there (after having to run TS2 to urgent care - there's another story for another day...) and let JrMsS and I go home to make dinner.  Did I mention I felt HORRIBLE?  By the time we got through dinner, just laying on the couch was laboring for my breathing.  I went to bed early, but the next morning it literally felt like someone had been standing on my chest all night - I've never had this much pain.  I called the dr when the office opened and she ordered a z-pack for me.  In addition to that, I asked the pharmacist for more relief and he suggested another medicine (God love him). 
By Wednesday afternoon things started to FINALLY break up in my sinuses and chest, although running kids around to games was not the first thing I wanted to do.  Of course we had two games in two different towns again (LMS at her school - JrMrS in another town).  I picked up the kids from Kid Care, got them ready, shoved some food down their throats and meet MrS at JrMrS's game and then took LMS to hers.
This morning I felt TONS better.  In fact because I've been so neglatory at work this week - I went in early, felt great and banged out a 10 hour day (as much as I work - I haven't done that much in a while). 
All was well and good knew this was coming, right?..I got HIT by a CAR, well not just a car, but an SUV!  It's partially my fault (well not really, but the lady is really nice normally, when not behind the wheel :) and so I felt bad).  I wlked out of the building into our parking garage and because I had so many things in my hands, I went ahead and started the car and unlocked it so I could just drop everything and leave.  She came around the corner, with a big SUV blocking the view of me and while distracted with a car running with no one in it and I looked up at the very last second and at least didn't get hit head on - I kinda rolled along the side of it - my god how funny that must have looked on the secruity camera.  She felt horrible - I felt horrible, but I was fine. 
After all that, I ran to Super Target to get JrMsS's glasses fixed (again), then ran to the mall for some quality girl time with my sister and necessary shopping for a dress for the wedding this weekend (talk about waiting until the last minute).  We also stayed and watched Sex and the City 2 - I LOVE those girls!!!  I completely identified with them tonight (well, not so much Samantha, but you know what I mean).  I know a lot of people hated the movie, but I LOVED it.  And I loved that my sissy and I got to have some time together.  Thank you MrS for letting me have that time (well, I'm sure you didn't miss me that much playing with your new toy - a new grill).
Wow, now how was that really just ONE week?

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