Sunday, September 4, 2011

Update #2 - Kids activities this summer

Besides Vacation Bible School and some other small things, the kids were very active in sports this summer. Mr. S and I strongly believe that the kids need to stay active in some way - even if they don't love the sport they're doing, they should do something to keep things limber for a sport they do love.

Jr. Mr. S: Instead of baseball this year, JrMrS joined swim team with JrMsS. For not being a great swimmer at the beginning of summer and for it being his first year - he did really well. I think he really enjoyed doing it too. Now, he's moved onto football/ We've been somewhat disappointed in the club this year (mostly the coaching), but at least he loves doing it and that's all that matters.

Jr. Ms. S: She did swimming again this year. I think she was a little annoyed that she had to compete against JrMrS, but her skills improved quite a bit over the summer too. Now she's moved onto volleyball which is another sport she really loves.

Love this pic - she's next on the block, but is cheering on her teammate in the relay.

LMS: She started the summer doing softball. He had a great team and great coaches. She's improved a lot and is really looking forward to next year when they'll play more serious games. This year she was also able to do volleyball. I think she's having fun learning the sport. Her best friend's mom and I are coaching her team. They've only had one game so far, but they won all three sets.

Twin Snowflakes: The twins played baseball at the beginning of summer. Mr S was their coach. They did pretty well and have improved over last year (now if only TS1 would learn to not throw his bat when he hits the ball so he doesn't hit people). They are not old enough for any of the sports going on now - so they're just chilling at JrMrS's football games and practices until wrestling season (yuck).

So, that's what they did during their summer break. What do your kids like doing during their summer break?

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